Chapter Seven

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Catherine's POV

Silence settled over us as Xavier stared at me, an unknown emotion in his eyes. "Why did you run" he asks softly, hurt lacing his tone. My eyes widen with disbelief.

Did he really just ask me that?

"Because you kidnapped me" I retort hotly, Xavier scowls down at me. Not believing a word I was spewing.

"Lies" he spits and gently pushes me away. He began to pace the floor in front of me, nervousness sparking in my chest.

"Tell me the truth Catherine!" He demands and slams his hands on the desk, I jump back and look at him with wide eyes.

"Fine" I huff, his eyes widen at me giving up.

"Really?" He asks disbelievingly.

"No" I smirk, Xavier growls again.

'Don't piss mate off' a voice snarls in my head causing me to flinch at how loud the snarl was.

"Please Catherine, you can trust me" Xavier begs, his eyes were wide with promise. My heart clenched in my chest and my eyes flashed their brilliant purple.

"Please" he whispers on both knees before me, I reach out and cup his cheek and he leans into my touch.

"Xavier I-I can't" my voice cracks with sorrow, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. Xavier looks at me with anger and shoved my hand away from his touch, my heart breaks even more.

"Bullshit Cat!" He yells angrily, his eyes black as night.

"You have been lying to me since I met you! I've told you nothing but the truth! And I'm getting sick of your lying" he growls loudly.


"You know what? I'm done!" He says coldly before opening the door and storming out. When the door closes and I hear it click shut is when the tear roll slowly down my cheeks.

God damn him! If he only let me finish what I was going to say. Because you see I can't physically tell him, there is no possible way.

"Luna? Can I come in?" Luke's voice says from behind the door. I sniffle and wipe my tears, he doesn't need to see me like this.

"Of course" I croak and stand up, wiping my wet hand on my jeans. I use the sleeves of my shirt to dry my eye.

"Everything okay Luna?" Luke asks softly while entering the door. I give Luke a fake, soft smile and responded with...

"Yes, of course"

Luke frowns, obviously seeing through my lie. "Can I help you with anything Luke" I ask and fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

"I don't think so?" He says a little confused, I giggle softly and go and sit behind Xavier's desk. I felt kinda powerful sitting in his big chair, I can see why he sits here so much.

"Alpha requests that you eat dinner and return to his room, he will be out tonight" Luke says, my temper flares and I growl.

"Alpha and I aren't on the best term so I will be sleeping in a spare room tonight" I growl slightly, Luke chuckles and nods his head.

"Follow me Luna" Luke says, he opens the door and holds it for me. Motioning for me to go ahead of him. Quickly I step out of the office and wait for Luke, I don't know my way around my house.

We walk down a hall, pass the living room and dining room before we got to the kitchen. Luke rummaged through the fridge while I sat at the island on a stool, watching him.

"What sounds good Luna?" Luke calls, his head in the fridge still.

"I'm not hungry" I tell him, Luke pulls his head from the fridge and frowns at me.

"You feeling okay Luna?" Luke asks worriedly, his eyes wide with concern. My stomach was in tight knots and I felt like I had to puke.

"Not at the moment, could you please show me to a guest room? Farthest from Xavier please?" I ask in a small voice. Right now all I wanted to do was lay down and forget today.

"Of course, follow me please" Luke says softly while closing the fridge. Luke takes us out the kitchen door and into the living room and down a hall way I hadn't noticed. He chose the door at the end of the hall.

"Xavier is upstairs so this is as far as I can get you" Luke says softly and opens the door. The room was pretty big, the walls were painted a cream color with a dark, navy king bed.

"Thank you Luke" I say while stepping into the room, fatigue coming over me. Luke just smiles and nods, and my eyes roamed the room.

"Goodnight Cat" Luke murmurs and shut the door, his footsteps echoing off the hall. I flipped the light off and walked over to the bed and ran my hands over the sheets.

Stripping of my top and bottoms I climbed into the bed in nothing but my bra and panties. Cuddling with the soft sheets and blankets I close my eyes in pleasure, it felt so good to just lay down.

Releasing a sigh of relief I let the fatigue take over, sending me into a deep sleep.


The opening of the bedroom door alerted my sleep filled senses, I was only half awake for now. Turning over to face the door I see Xavier standing there, his eyes soft. I blinked slowly, still tired.

Xavier sighs and comes into the room,closing the door with his boot. I watch as he striped of his clothes, but kept on boxers on before he joins me in bed. I turn back over and face him.

His hair was falling out of his usual quiff and into his eyes. Automatically I reach out and run my hands through his hair, sweeping it out of his eyes. Xavier gives a sigh of pleasure and closes his eyes.

"Xavier..." I begin to say, but he just shakes his head. Removing my hands from his hair I fiddle with the comforter, avoiding his eyes.

"I'm sorry Kitten" Xavier's husky tone reaches me ears, my eyes snap to his. They were shining with sincerity, my heart pounded in m chest and tears stung my eyes.

"Please don't cry" he begs me, reaching out to softly cup my cheek. I couldn't help it as the tears rolled down my cheeks, soft and warm.

"Shh I'm sorry" he coos, wrapping his arms around me and drawing me to his chest. My whole body slightly shakes as I cling onto him, sparks and tingles igniting when your skin touched.

Xavier rubbed my back, trying to calm me down to the point where I could talk to him. "I-I'm really sorry Xavier" I croak , my voice was shaky showing just how nervous I really felt.

He just sighs silently and holds me tighter, I took that as to continue with what I wanted to say.

"I-I really want to tell, b-but I can't" I blubber into his chest, Xavier rubs my back soothingly.

"Why can't you tell me?" He says in his husky, curious tone. My body immediately tenses, oh no.

"Death" I mutter into his chest.


Pulling away from his chest I look into his eyes, his eyes were warm and dilated.

"The consequence is death" I tell him in a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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