Chapter Two

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Catherine's POV
I looked up at the man who held me against the wall, I started hyperventilating. His black eyes seemed to soften with worry. I took to chance to kick him in the jewels.

His pain scrunched into pain and he let me go, I bolted out of the alley like my ass was on fire.

A loud growl made me run faster to my car, jumping in I locked the doors and calmed down. "Shit Cat, you almost got kidnapped" I laughed shakily to myself.

This didn't seem real, this couldn't be happening to me. Not me, of all people.

With shaky hands I slowly backed my car from the spot and raced down the streets towards home. All I wanted was to be home right now.

I slammed on the brakes when I saw a shirtless man standing in the road,he was the guy from the diner. I honked the horn twice and waited for him to move.

He didn't.

Instead he marched over to my car door and yanked it open, my jaw fell slack. I stared at the mystery man, he effortlessly scooped me up from my car seat.

The sparks and heat danced across my skin. I brushed it off and wiggled to get free, this is kidnapping!

"Quit moving" he growled modify, I huffed and muttered "fucker." A sleek black car pulled up next to us.

A kidnapper car.

I panicked and started kicking wildly, "ENOUGH" he released a thundering growl that made me stop. I sunk back into his arms while he gently put me int he car and followed after me.

"Someone get her car" he commanded, who ever was in the passenger side hopped out and got in my car. "My baby" I whimpered as he sped off.

My one true love.

"Your mine" he growled softly and nuzzled my shoulder, I flinched and moved away from him. He pulled me back to his side easily.

"This is kidnapping" I said softly while he smirked "you can't kidnap what's yours" he winked at me.

My eyes zoomed in on the door handle "don't even think about it" he snarled and locked the door. I pouted and looked out the window a plan forming in my head.

There was no way I was staying here. Ever.

All was silent in the car, I watched as the trees passed at a blurring speed. Even I went slower then this. Sometimes.

I tuned out their talking and focused on my plan. As soon as he opened my door I am gone.

Suddenly we slammed on the brakes,I went flying forward and smashed into the seat. I groaned and rubbed my head.

"Home sweet home" the driver muttered and opened this door. I was hit with the cool air and sighed in relief.

Turning I opened my door and quietly got out. The guy that put me in the car was in front of me.

No sounds left me as I turned around and bolted into the woods. I had a few minute head start but I knew they would catch up.
In a haste I climbed up a tall tree with ease. Thank you Cole for reaching me! I could see them appear under me.

"Where did she go?" one asked while scratching the back of his neck. "Her scent stops here" another growled loudly. That was him.

I gulped and stayed silent. There was a small chance they'd find me all they way up here. "I'll go north and east" the second guy growled.

"You take south" the first said "guess I'll take west" the third guy chuckled and they spilt apart. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

Skillfully I climbed down the tree and tuned to tune when I smashed into a rock solid chest. "Gotcha" his deep smooth voice whispered in my ear as his arms caged me to him.

I screamed "HELP! PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I sobbed at the end. The guy growled and I cowered in fear at the loud sound.

"Alpha calm down your scaring her" someone said gently, I couldn't see past my tears. "Let her go" the guy said worriedly when he tightened his hold on me.

"MINE!" he growled and stuck his face in my shoulder. My body started shaking from the sobs I held that wracked me. Suddenly I was wrenched from him, I fell to the ground and curled into a ball.

I hid my face in my knees and cowered in fear. I saw a shadow over me, a weight was pressed on my body, a loud growled go above me.

I tried to sink farther into the forest floor, sobs falling from my lips. "Alpha, get off her. She is scared of you" a new voice joined us.

I peeked up at Alpha, he looked down at me concerned. His face softened when his eyes met mine, I hid my face again.

"Please don't be scared" he whispered to me, STILL on me. I whimpered in response, I want to go home. To want my mom and dad, hell even Cole!

So I lay curled in a ball sobbing while everyone scared at me. Sobs fell from my lisp while I trembled with fear.

Alpha stared down at me with a concerned gaze.

Suddenly I was scooped put and cradled to a chest, we started walking. My sobs seemed to lessen as we walked the way I ran from. I looked around at the nature surrounding us, a grey blur caught my attention.

My eyes widened and I tapped the guys arm who was staring straight ahead.

"What" he snapped his eyes told me he was blazing with fury. "L-l-l-look" I suffered and reached a shaking hand out to point at the grey wolf who stood beside the group.

The muzzled pulled back over their sharp looking teeth, madness shining in their eyes, saliva dripping from their jaws.

Suddenly I was air born.
Pic of Xavier,played by Nick Bateman

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