Chapter Three

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Catherine's POV
I was caught in a strong pair of arms. I watched as Alpha's body grew patches of fur and his fingernails turned to claws.

If I blinked you would have missed it, a big black wolf took his place.

The wolf snapped his jaws at the other and lunged forward. My fear kicked into overdrive when I saw the big black wolf snap the the silver ones neck.

Before my very eyes I saw the black wolf shift into Alpha, butt naked. I hid my face in the chest of the man who held me.

A loud growl broke through the trees as I was ripped from the mans arms. I was pulled to a warm chest and cradled there.

I went into a numb state of mind, I couldn't feel the warmth of chest and I couldn't feel the fear that clawed at my chest.

"Alpha she's gone into shock" the same voice said, "shit" Alpha cursed I tuned out his pleas. I tended to do this often, ever since Luke went missing.

Luke. My long lost twin brother. He had my dads blonde hair and my brown eyes, we were both so much alike. He was my sun and I was his moon.

Without even thinking I pulled the crystal necklace he gave me on my sixteenth birthday before he went missing.

It was a set of three, Cole had the first one, Luke had the middle one, and I had the right one. I heard a sharp intake of breath that was all it took.

All the pleas came flooding into my ears, it was all to much for me. I slumped into the arms of Alpha as my eyes slid closed.
I woke up in a dark room, had I slept the whole day? Getting up I frowned when I saw a tan arm snaked around my waist, holding me down.

Huffing I crossed me arms and turned my back to the person who held me down. Last nights events came flooding back to me.

Dinner. Amanda. Kidnapping. Alpha. The wolf.

I started hyperventilating from fear and shock. "Calm down your heart is beating a mile a minute" a gruff voice snapped making me freeze.

"Better" he commented and soft snores filled the room. I felt anger. Anger of them taking me. And anger for not letting me go.

I started thrashing against the arms that held me down. "Let me go" I hissed, suddenly I was pinned with my arms above my head.

"Your mine! And I'm never letting you go" Alpha growled looking royally pissed. I could imagine steam coming from his ears. I giggled at that.

In my head I drew funny faces on him making me laugh harder at each one. By now he was frowning at my laughing form. "" I gasped for air.

"That is some funny shit" I breathed once I calmed down. "You know what's also funny?" He asked grinning "what?" I couldn't help but smile back.

"You talking in your sleep" he said grinning evilly, I flushed bright red under his stare. "Oh god" I hid my face by burning it in the pillow next to me.

I felt my hands go free and a weight was lifted off my body "get dressed we need to talk" Alpha said,his voice cold. Tears stung my eyes I walked him square his shoulder and walk out.

I didn't know why but I felt the need to make him smile and laugh. Make him happy. Dryly laughing I wiped my eyes, only you Cat would make a kidnapper smile.

Stumbling from the bed I noticed I wore a mans wife beater that reached mid thigh. Blushing I ran to the bathroom and stripped down.

The warm water brought me from my fog and I began planning for another escape. So many things were running through my head.

I used Alpha's Irish spring shampoo and body wash to clean myself. By the time I was done I felt clean and a new person.

I had to dress in my old clothes because I had nothing else. Now the only thing was to find Alpha.
"Let her go Steele you can't keep her here like an animal!" An angry voice shouted, a loud cracking sound was heard. I stopped where I was, which was the living room.

"SHES MINE" Alpha's voice snarled loudly, the chills down my spine worked double time.

"AND SHE'S MY LITTLE SISTER!" The other voice screamed, a gasp escaped my lips and I stumbled backwards.

Little sister? Maybe they were talking about someone else. Yeah, that's it. "Did you hear that?" Alpha asked somewhere close. "Yeah" the other voice sighed.

Putting on a stoic face I sat down and crossed my left leg over my right and laced my hands and put them in my lap.

Straightening my back and squaring my shoulders I looked out the window. Foot steps came from my right but I remained unfazed.

"Oh it's just you" Alpha's voice breathed in relief but frowned when he saw me. It was highly unnatural for me to be serious. Only when needed I would be.

"Could you give us a min the please Luke" Alpha asked his voice cold, my muscled tensed even more.

I sat like a spring, coiled, and ready to unwind with the lightest of touches. The pillows sunk as Alpha sat to my right.

"We need to talk" he said slowly as if I was a kid. "So it seems" I said my voice was cold and sharp like ice.


I could have sworn I saw him flinch. "I know this will take a while to sink in but after yesterday you deserve to know" he sighed and runs a a hand through his hair.

"I'm a werewolf" he said bluntly, know kneeling in front of me. For some reason this didn't shock me, instead it calmed me. I felt safe.

But I remained stoic.

"Say something" he pleaded, his eyes searching mine. "Okay" I breathed my shoulders sagging as I did.

"Okay? All you have to say is okay?" He asked shocked by my answer. I nodded and his eyes seemed to radiate happiness.

"Tell me more" I smile sheepishly at him "I'm an Alpha. I run this pack along with the Luna. Luke is the beta, the second in command. River is third, after the beta" he rambled.

"We can use mind link to talk to one another, miles doesn't matter. And a Luna is the mate if an Alpha, they are equals. They run the pack together." He smiles at me.

"What's a mate?" I asked quietly "mates are the best thing. Short for soul mate. You meet them around eighteen. And you know when you meet them" his eyes shine with happiness.

"When you touch tingles and sparking ignite, and their smells drives you crazy. You'll do anything, be anything just for them" he says this all looking in my eyes.

"You feel this?" He asks as he traces my knee caps, I could feel the tingles and sparks he was talking about.

"Your my mate" he says his eyes growing dark. "Your eyes" I gasp, "that happens when we are mad or our wolf wants out" he chuckled while looking at me under his lashes.

"I still don't know your name" I blushed and he chuckled. "Xavier Steele, most people call me Steele though" he frowned.

"Catherine" I say "what?" He asked telling me he didn't hear.


"My names Catherine."
The necklace set Cat and her brother have.

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