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All initiates were sitting in the dining hall, awaiting their fates in Dauntless. I wasn't too scared as I'd only gotten better since my last fight. Apollo came and sat next to me. 

"We haven't spoken in a while." He states, gaining a nod from me. "I was just wondering if you're okay?" He questions, I nod again. I wasn't really up for talking to him, there were rumours about me that he was apparently spreading. I patiently waited for the leaders to appear at the top of the dining hall, like everyone else. Everyone had begun tucking into their breakfast however, I believed I was becoming intolerant to food so I just pulled an apple to my space. Max appeared at the top of the dining hall, waiting for quiet before speaking. 

"You've now completed your first stage of training. Most of you have pushed yourself forward and come so far. We are proud of you. The next stage of training is mental, where we push your mind to it's breaking point. Training will start later on this evening but you have a few hours to sit back and relax. Here are your scores for stage one. If you're below the line, pack up your things and get out." Max bellows down to us. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. The names on the leaderboard had appeared but mine was at the number one spot. This has to be a mistake. It was no mistake, my name was there proudly in the top spot. I felt a tear roll down my cheek in happiness. 

Finally, I belonged somewhere. I'd pushed myself to be the best I ever could be and it got me somewhere.  I got up from my seat, bringing my apple with me and began to exit the room. When I got out of the door, a hand pulled me aside. It was Four.

"Have you seen Eric?" He questioned, my expression confused. I shook my head.

"Not since we got off the train, no." I answer, a part of me worried. "Can you not find him? In his apartment?" I ask, Four just shaking his head. 

"He left on the train about an hour ago, I wondered if he'd told you anything. If he'd mentioned anything earlier and you hadn't realised." I scanned my memory from this morning. 

"Not that I know of, last time we talked was last night during the game, I told him about my childhood.."  I trail off. Surely he wouldn't. He did seem to get upset when I told him about my father. "Do you have access to cctv at the Candor building? Check who's gone through the main gates in the last half hour." I state. Did he truly care for me that much? Did he want to try and put my father right? I followed Four to a control room not far along the hallway. He turned a computer screen on, flicking through a few camera perspectives until reaching the  familiar Candor entrance. "Rewind about 30 minutes, it roughly takes 30 minutes to get the train from here to Candor then it's about a five minute walk." I continue and he follows my steps, rewinding. 

As I predicted, about five minutes into the half hour, Eric strolled up to the doors of Candor. I furrowed my eyebrows at the footage, why would he do something like this? "We need to get to Candor now." I speak aloud. I turn to walk out the door however, Four blocks me.

"I need to get to Candor, you're an initiate. You need to stay put." Four spoke, he had a point. "Nobody is in danger, I know you two have some 'thing' going on between you but he'll be fine, he can handle himself." Four chuckled.

"It's not Eric I'm worried about, damn you Four look at the bigger picture. He's there for my dad, to face him for everything he did to me." I pause. "I need to get to Candor, for the sake of my family. No matter how much I hate my dad, nobody deserves to die." I plead.

Four takes a moment, looking down and smiling at me.

"Well said, you can come with me." He softly spoke, my heart was beating so fast now. "We've got to get there quickly." He admitted, I knew we had to also. I could imagine the kind of hell Eric would put my dad through.


We jumped off the train, instantly sprinting towards the Candor building. As we approached, Candors stared at us intently. You'd swear they'd never seen us before. I look to Four and nod, both of us continuing to run inside the building. We ran to the accommodation in the giant building, climbing the stair wells as quickly as possible. By the time we reached my old floor, Four and I were out of breath. At the end of the corridor appeared a large 'H' on the wall, signifying the H block. 

"Follow me." I tell Four, him following me slowly down the corridor. As we get to the room with the Hollester plaque outside, we hear the shouting inside. Four and I burst through the door. Eric was on top of my dad, arms pinning him down. He heard the door swing open and turned his head. His face softened and he raised off my father. "What the hell did you think you were going to accomplish Eric?" I questioned, my eyebrows furrowing.

"I thought I'd ease the pain." He chuckled.

"What kind of sicko do you think I am? You think I'd be happy if you beat or even killed my dad? No Eric I wouldn't and I don't understand what sick thoughts go through your head." I shake my head whilst walking backwards out of the flat. Four follows my actions and Eric follows us closely behind. I couldn't understand what he wanted to accomplish. I feel a hand grab mine, looking to my side. It was Four. I pulled my hand away from his, shaking my head. "I don't need comforting." I speak aloud, directing it to both of the men next to me. 

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