Chapter Four~ The Concert

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It was finally the day of the concert. Okay the concert starts at 7:30 p.m. I wake up from the sunlight coming through my window. I look over to my clock. 9:30 a.m. Okay we have to leave by 10 so I NEED to get ready. I should call Danielle to tell her the plan.

"Hello?" I say into the phone as she picks up.

"Hey what time are we leaving for the concert I'm all ready to go?" She says pretty much yelling into the phone.

"10 be here in 20! Okay?" I say walking over to the shopping bag from the other day taking out my outfit.

"Okay! Bye Autumn see you soon!!!" she says before hanging up the phone before I could say 'bye'... RUDE! Whatever. I need to take a shower. I grab my outfit before heading to the bathroom. The shower is really refreshing. After I'm done with my shower i quickly pull on my outfit and run down stairs. Chad is just watching TV.

"Hey I'm going to be at the fair with Danielle see you later!" I say popping my head around the corner so he can see me.

"Okay kid have fun! Bring your phone, wallet, and keys just in case I'm asleep when you get back home. Who are you going to go see at the fair?" he says giving me the 'better-not-be-a-boy' look.

"Emblem3! i got tickets from 933! I hope Wes and the boys remember me!" I say getting really happy just tinking of them.

"Oay, but if they don't... just don't be to disapointed, okay?" he says worriedly.

"Okay I'll be fine! See you later!" i say walking out of the door after giving him a hug goodbye. I set on the curb waiting for Danielle. Not very much later she pulls up.

"Hey." I say opening the door to her car.

"Hey! Ready to go?"

"Yup thats go!" I say as Danielle drives to the fair.


We finally get to the fair. Not a lot of people were there yet. We give the lady our ticket and she lets us in. We were 3rd in line for the concert.

"Okay the concert starts at 7:30 and it is 11:05 right now for the long wait." I say sitting down.

"Wow okay!" Danielle says plopping down a seat right next to me.


Finally they start letting people in at 6:30. Danielle and I run for the front row, even though we would have gotten it anyways. We take our seats and let the room fill with people. The boys come out on stage before the concert to take to the fans. To my luck Wes stoped right in front of me. Okay Autumn just act normal. I don't say anything because I want him to remember me.

"So hey guys! Thank you all so much for coming out today it really means a lot to the boys and me." Drew starts out.

"So if you guys don't really know us, I'm Keaton, the baby of the group." Keaton does doing his special smile.

"I'm Drew!" Drew says looking in the crowd. Probably looking for a cute girl, knowing Drew.

"And I'm Wesley, but they call me Wes." Wesley says looking down at me with a confused look on his face. He just shakes it off I guess and continues talking to the fans. Next thing you know Keaton pants Drew and Wesley is laughing his ass off until Keaton does the same to him. Him and Drew both pull up their pants in embarressment and start chasing Keaton around the stage. They all give very quickly. As soon as they all get their breath back Drew slowly lefts up his shirt to show-off his abs.

"I feel like I have been kissed by the sun."

"Me too!" Wes says doing the same thing but putting his shirt down quickly after. Drew pretty much still has his shirt off.

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