Chapter 2

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Jimin is standing awkwardly in front of his class. It makes him nervous knowing all eyes are on him. He can feel his knees shaking, but he still had a forced smile on his face. Don't drop your smile no matter what happens Jimin told himself as the teacher was saying his part on introducing him to the class.

Finally, he noticed his teacher looked at him with a smile and motion him to take his part. He quickly took the cue and faced the class with his practiced smile. "I'm Park Jimin, I'm pleased to be here. Please take care of me." He took a 90 degree bow and stood back up straight with a smile.

His smile almost alter when the students started to murmur something to each other. Oh shit, are they hating me already? Is it my smile? My face? My posture? What are you whispering about!! Jimin's thoughts got him and he could feel his heated face in panic. He was thinking he should run and never come back.

The teacher sensed him and signaled the class to quiet down. He pointed Jimin to his seat in the middle rows to the right near the window. He nodded and head to his seat, looking down, afraid to look at his classmates faces.

When he got there, a guy with sharp features smiled at him, "Welcome!" He said as Jimin sat down beside him. He can't help but smile wide at the guy. "I'm Jung Hoseok," the Hoseok guy offered a hand to Jimin. Is this real? Am I making a new friend? Jimin wants to jump in joy, but he doesnt want to embarrass himself more, so he took Hoseok's hand instead. "Nice to meet you!" Hoseok shook their hands, and let go to grab a book from his bag. "Here, you can use my book for now. I know you still don't have one. Am I right?" He smiled offering the book to Jimin. He couldn't take all the friendliness of this guy giving him, so he settled for a nod and beamed at Hoseok.

But then, he realized something and forrowed his brows. "How about you then?" He asked worriedly. Hoseok chuckled and push the book towards Jimin more. "I have my notes, silly" Jimin just gave him an 'oh', and smiled again, "Thank you!" Jimin said taking the book from Hoseok's hand. Hoseok smiled and turned his attention back to the teacher and so did Jimin, who still have a smile planted on his face. So far, so good!


The school bell rang, and students start to scurry out of their rooms to the cafeteria for lunch. Jimin was fixing his things in his bag when he noticed Hoseok stand beside him. "Are you having lunch with anyone or...?" He said waiting for Jimin's response.

"Actually, no. You're the first student I've talk to since I got here" Jimin said with a laugh and slung his bag on one shoulder.
"If that's the case, you should have lunch with me and my pals!"

"But, what if... what if they don't like having a newbie around? Wouldn't that be awkward?" Jimin said with a frown on his face. He felt Hoseok's arm around his shoulders while messing his hair with the other. "No worries! They are fine, really. I promise!" He said smiling.. Jimin sighed defeated.. "Okay, but I'll be blaming you if something bad happens" Hoseok laughs and ushered them to the cafeteria.

When they got there, it was so crowded and students we're laughing and doing their lunch routines. Hoseok led them to a table with 3 people sitting on it already. "Ay yo!" Hoseok fist bump with a blond guy. He looked at Jimin and smiled "Who's this Hob?"

"Guys, this is Park Jimin. The transferee the campus had been talking about. He happens to be in my class!" He said as he let Jimin sat down first and let himself settled beside Jimin.

"Hi! I'm Kim Namjoon, and this is Kim Seokjin," he said as the said Seokjin beside Namjoon smiled and offered a hand. Jimin gladly took it, "Nice to meet you" He beamed and looked at the third guy beside Seokjin. His head was set on the table using his arms as a pillow. It looks like he's sleeping.. Before Jimin can speak, as if reading his mind, Namjoon pointed at the sleeping guy. "That's Min Yoongi. Don't mind him, he's always sleeping in the first 20 minutes of lunch time" Namjoon simply said and went back to eating.

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