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I got tagged.. lol,

There are rules, I'm just gonna break some, k? Sorry yoongied_min :p

Okay, so, 13 facts about.... me?

- Asian
- 16y.o
- kpop trash
- a silent reader
- four-eyed (I wear glasses, don't freak out)
- friendly
- I'm tall (?)
- I love eating
- I eat when I'm mad
- I just love YoonMin...
- I like photography
- I suck at writing stories -.-
- weird

QUESTIONS FROM yoongied_min

1. fluff or angst?
-- fluff
2. have you ever slap your hater?
-- no, XD
3. what did you have for breakfast this morning?
-- Just bread and coffee ^^
4. have you ever badmouthed your teacher?
-- yes.... at the back.. ;)
5. do like pineapples?
-- not so...
6. what would you say to the person who says your bias is ugly and untalented?
-- fight me bitch
7. have you ever read @Jimins_Jams_ works?
-- no, but I'll check it out!
8. what are your new years resolutions?
-- I got no new years resolutions since I can't even grant a single one, every year, so I stopped making one...
9. are you afraid of chihuahuas?
-- no?
10. what are your thoughts on sad depressing endings?
-- "asddjffgghfkf" then i cry myself to sleep...
11. have you ever slapped your crush's butt?
-- wahaha, no
12. is tae really an alien?
-- maybe.. ;)
13. RUN or I NEED U

wooh, that was hard... XD now I'm going to tag people, since it's in the rules.. ^_^

1 nationality?
2 have u ever thought of being an idol? XD
3 top OTP?
4 what's ur hair color?
5 what year we're u born?
6 kpop or manga/anime?
7 who's ur very first bias?
8 if u have powers, what would it be? Why?
9 are u still studying or work already?
10 what's the color of ur phone?
11 fav number?
12 what's ur most important object?
13 who do u think would top in YoonSeok? XD just wondering ^^


So, there was a rule that you have to state 13 facts first before answering these questions... soo, state 'em okay?.... :)

---- I'm so sorry this isn't an update... you can really ignore this if you want.. hihih...

I'll update soon.. :*


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