Chapter 6

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Everything went back to normal, just like what Jimin thought. They still bicker in the lobby of their unit until they're in school, just like before. Yoongi acted like he never showed a soft side towards Jimin.

Jimin was quite confused of Yoongi's behaviour yesterday. It was unusual for him to actually care for someone. For one, he doesnt give a shit; two, he's the typical Min Yoongi. But from what he did, it was completely different. Min Yoongi doesn't asks what's troubling Jimin. Min Yoongi doesn't care if Jimin has eaten or not. Min Yoongi doesn't put his arms around Jimin just so he can comfort him.

Jimin almost didn't fell asleep that night because of it. Does he really care or is he just playing around again?

He thought about telling Yoongi about it, but he was doubting if he could really trust him with it. He doesn't want to look so weak. Of all the people to witness, why does it have to be Yoongi?

His thoughts was cut by a hand waving right in front of his face. He quickly looked up and saw Hoseok looking worried. "You've been spacing out a lot lately. What's up?"


"You sure? You know, you can tell me" Hoseok said putting a hand on Jimin's shoulder, hoping it would comfort him. "I'm okay. I'm just a bit tired" he smiled and stood up.
"Its lunch time. Lets go, I'm kind of hungry" Jimin tried to sound as usual but think he failed.

Hoseok nods and followed Jimin's lead to the cafeteria.


They arrived in the cafeteria to only find Namjoon and Jin seating beside each other in their table. No Yoongi sleeping.

They sat across them causing the two to look up. "You're finally here. I already got your usual food so that you wouldn't line up anymore" Jin smiled and pushed the trays towards them.

"Thank you hyung! You're the best!" Hoseok said grabbing one of the trays and start digging in. Jimin also beamed and grabbed his own tray, not forgetting to say thanks to Jin and dug in. Jimin felt so hungry all of the of sudden, that he didn't notice he's halfway done on his food than the others.

"Well, someone's hungry. Was that why you were so idle earlier?" Hoseok asks laughing, handing Jimin a box of juice before the latter chokes on his food. Jimin just shrugged and continued eating.

Then something clicked...

"Where's Yoongi-hyung?" Hoseok asks as Jimin felt something flutter in his stomach. Thats weird. Jimin shrugged the thought and think that it's because he's still hungry.

"I don't know. When our class ended he directly went out muttering something and then said he'll be late to come here" Jin said, now wondering what Yoongi is up to.

"That's new. He never skips sleeping." Namjoon said throwing another piece of his food into his mouth.

And just on cue, Yoongi came and slammed a paper bag on the table, causing the others to flinch.

Jimin, who's closest to where Yoongi is, snapped his head up and to only meet a panting Yoongi, eyes closed trying to catch his breath for a moment.

He felt that fluttering again in his stomach. He rubbed it, confused and anxious, Am I really that hungry?

He looked away and decided to continue eating to get rid of his hunger.

Jin was the one who broke the silence.
"Where've you been? Why were you running?" He said moving to the side to give Yoongi some space to sit.

Yoongi took a sit across Jimin and grabbed a sandwich from the bag he's bringing.

"I forgot to bring lunch this morning, so I have to buy at the store outside the campus" he said taking a bite from his sandwich. "Then why were you running?" Jin was still confused.

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