Chapter 1

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"Father, you're being unreasonable!"
"Unreasonable? Draco, do not forget who you are speaking to," Lucius watched as Draco lowered his gaze to his boots before continuing, "And you were well aware, from the time you were a mere boy might I add, that come the end of your schooling life, we would find an appropriate witch for you to marry."

As much as Draco wanted to let out an exasperated sigh at his fathers' ignorance, he refrained seeing that he would only be reprimanded once more; he went for a more 'explain-in-detail' approach.

Meeting his fathers' gaze once more he replied, "I understand but I'm merely asking that you allow me the freedom of choosing for myself."

Lucius' eyes widened, almost as if he had just been hit with a startling discovery, "Who is she?"

Draco was not following, "Who father?"

"The girl, Draco, do not play stupid with me. There has to be someone that has captured your attention or you wouldn't be making these ridiculous demands, you know well enough not to on every other day so I ask once more, who is she?"

"There isn't anyone specific," Draco wasn't exactly lying but he wasn't speaking the full truth either and so he continued at his fathers' raised eyebrow, "I just realised that there are now far more opportunities to get to know different people nowadays. There's no more fear of worrying about what the Dark Lord thinks about the people you associate with and-"

"Surely you are not thinking of mating with muggles now are you Draco?" cut in Lucius.

Draco was slowly losing his patience and retorted without thinking, "Would that be so bad after all father?"

Lucius' expression was, for the lack of a better word, nothing less than scandalised.

Draco spoke up before his father had the chance to reply, "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for but if you would allow me the chance father; I want to know the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with," he held up a hand to stop Lucius from interrupting, "and I most definitely don't want to get to know her while being chaperoned by my parents, I want it to be real."

Lucius scoffed, "Real? Are you saying that your mother and my marriage is a farce? Don't forget Draco that ours was an arranged marriage too and while we have suffered many difficulties, we have always triumphed."

Draco was running out of excuses as well as time; the Hogwarts Express was due to leave in 1 hour for his final year at the school and here he was, still in the manor, grasping at straws to try to convince his father.

Draco could think of nothing more to say to Lucius now and just for the sake of it he tried, "Give me this year father; I will not only find a witch to my liking but also someone you and mother would approve of."

"You know who we approve of, and she is currently in Hogwarts with you," Lucius stared at him for a moment, "And after all these years, you suddenly think it important to come to me for permission to date!"

Lucius scoffed and Draco replied levelly, "If you have so much of confidence in your girl of choice then you will believe that Astoria will be the one I will be bringing home but if I find another-"

"Draco this is ridiculous! You should not be prancing around dating at this time when it is most important to find someone who will bear the next Malfoy heir."

Their back and forth arguments were getting them no where and frankly Draco was no where close to giving up and conceding defeat to his father; he refused to settle down for a miserable loveless marriage, not when times had indeed changed so much.

He glanced at Lucius who was now studying him with a thoughtful look on his face before he turned away and started to pace in front of the fireplace, cane in hand.

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