Chapter 3

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Harry was all too fortunate and for that he was eternally grateful but it seemed that he lacked a lot of it when it came to lying to his friends, well at least with Hermione.

When he had got back to the common room after his encounter with Snape, Hermione and Ron were still awake and apparently awaiting his narration of how things went.

Thankfully Ron had accepted his answer of: "Those things are private, do you really want to hear about what Snape and I got up to?"

Hermione however was a different story. She hadn't accepted any of Harrys' excuses and looked all too suspicious when his exhaustion won out and forced him to reply with a bleak: "I know what I'm doing Hermione!"

So it was with a long suffering sigh that Harry looked up at Draco the next morning; the Slytherin had sat down 'Oh so casually' once more at the Gryffindor table, across from Harry, and started to question Harry on his progress from last night.

"Everything is going fine," said Harry for, what felt to him, the hundredth time.

"I'm not asking you for the morning weather Potter," sneered Draco, "We're talking about Severus here," his voice had dropped in volume, "and nothing is ever fine with him- well especially the first few times."

Harry glared at Draco, "Before you raise your voice, let me just remind you that I am doing all of this for your benefit so see that you-"

"That I what?" asked Draco as he stood up suddenly.

"That you-" Harry was cut off and a hand was placed on his arm, halting his attempt of also standing up.

"Boys!" scolded Hermione, although her voice was hushed due to the stares they were receiving from around the hall; even the teachers were glaring at them although Snape seemed to have a smirk on his face.

"Sit," commanded Hermione to Draco, "You two are unbelievable! How do you expect to get anything done if you can't keep from baiting each other every two seconds?" she looked around the hall and spotted that a few students were still studying them, "Well we can't talk here anymore, can we? We have DADA after lunch so we can talk then."

Harry wrenched his hand from Hermiones' grip and then looked pointedly at Draco, "There isn't anything to talk about; you gave me a job and I'm doing it so quit complaining!"

Harry stood up and walked out of the hall, leaving behind an indecisive Ron, a glaring Draco, a furious Hermione and one very inquisitive hall of students.


Harrys' irritation subsided through the first class of the day and by the end of their second class, he was ready to go offer up an apology to Hermione.

"Hermione listen," she brushed past him, "please just listen, I'm sorry."

She stopped and turned around, "That's all you needed to say Harry, and I suppose you'll be doing the same for Draco now?"

Harry scoffed, "Yeah right, he had it coming."

"Harry," Hermione walked up to him, "I meant what I said, we can't work together if we're going to fight all the time."

"We wouldn't be fighting if Malfoy had just kept his bloody trap shut and let me do what I need to!"

"Yeah, bloody ferret thinks he's too good, that's what the problem is!" said Ron as he joined them.

"We spoke about name-calling, Ron," said Hermione as she glared at the red-head.

Ron broke out in a full-on grin, "Yeah well a man doesn't retain information that well during a snog."

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