Chapter 2

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The first few rays of sun shone through the murky waters of the lake and into the Slytherin dorms. Most of the sleeping boys grumbled and turned away, trying to block out the light.

Contrary to popular belief, the Slytherins weren't as fond of early mornings as everyone believed them to be. They were punctual, yes and more often than not proper in appearance and manners (well at least with one another) despite their morning gloom but getting out of bed proved just as much a struggle for the snakes as with anyone else.

However, they didn't have the problem of waking up to the sun shining in their faces every morning and if anyone had bothered to crack open an eye and investigate this unusual occurrence, they would have come across none other than Draco Malfoy- perched on a bench that sat below the window, curtains drawn, with an almost serene smile on his face.

Many people were ready to bet Galleons on the idea that if Slytherins smiled just as Draco was now, sinister things were about to happen.

But there was no flair of ignorance when Draco stood up and walked towards the dorm door, there wasn't any hatred in his eyes or a need for revenge in his mind.

In fact, if you looked closely enough, there was a slight bounce in his step, flair of confidence in his stride, a glimmer of hope in his eyes and an image of long and flowing blonde hair in his mind.


Once Draco emerged from the castle into the fresh morning air, he started to walk just a little faster. Classes began today and there was no doubt that the teachers will be up and about earlier than usual to prepare for the start of term- no need to get caught wondering the grounds earlier than usual.

Dracos' steps were fast and sure; he wasn't just walking without purpose but rather following a rather strong gut feeling- a feeling which led him right to the edge of the forbidden forest.

He looked around and just as he expected, movement to his left caught his eye- he followed.


Draco wasn't spying but for the life of him, once he had got close enough he felt as if he was intruding on some sort of personal moment and so he strategically hid behind a tree that allowed him to look from afar.

"Good morning Draco."

He was certain he hadn't made a sound and he was still well hidden so he didn't understand how on earth she knew he was there having not turned around once.

He cleared his throat, "Morning Luna."

She finally turned around to face him and smiled- a smile almost shy but clearly reflecting delight that he was there.

It relieved him to an extent.

"Nature's exquisite you know," she said as she walked closer to him, "Just as well, I wouldn't have known you were here if not for the wrackspurts... I suspect your head's filled with them."

She was now standing beside Draco- a very puzzled Draco.

"Wrack- Luna what in the world are Wrackspurts?"

Luna smiled, "Oh they're creatures that get into your head and make your brain go fuzzy."

Draco chuckled, "Are they now?"

"I've told you how I knew where you were so your turn."

Draco thought that saying because Lunas' head was full of Wrackspurts wouldn't be the best pick up line, even if he was only joking.

"Gut feeling, so I followed it."

Luna looked at him, raised an eyebrow and just smiled warmly.

Draco wasn't lying per se... It was in fact a gut feeling that he'd followed with hopes of finding Luna but he'd seen her here every morning when he used to skulk around the castle before the final battle so he supposed that he was just basically relying on her continuing with routine once again.

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