Chapter 8

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Harrys' dark green dress robes swirled around him as he turned around once again and resumed pacing.

Suddenly the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room flared green and Hermione stepped out.

"Oh Harry, you look wonderful!"

Harrys' shoulders drooped, "And you're not dressed."

Hermione hung her head, "I'm sorry but-"

"Is Ron still not feeling any better? I'd have thought that some potion could cure whatever he's come down with before the ball."

"Harry," said Hermione as she stepped closer, "Ron's not really ill... this is all just too much for him- going back-"

"Going back to Malfoy Manor after what happened there during the war," completed Harry. "I fully understand, I mean even I have bad memories of the place but I guess we all deal with pain differently right," he looked at Hermione pleadingly, "So you aren't coming either?"

Hermione sighed, "I've put it all behind me Harry but Ron hasn't- he still has nightmares about me being tortured... How do you think it will make him feel if I attend after all that's happened?"

Harry placed both his hands on Hermiones' shoulders and squeezed gently to reassure her, "'Mione, I get it okay? It's just that we spent all these months planning and my two best friends won't even be there tonight."

"This was ultimately something that you had to do- well you and Draco..."

Harry held her gaze, "I still love you guys, and you know that right? Don't for a moment think that I've replaced you with Draco."

Hermione gave a huff of laughter, "Harry James Potter, I'll have you know that Ronald and I deem ourselves irreplaceable friends to you and have you seen the spells I can perform? Draco wouldn't even know what's hit him should he try to snatch you away!"

Harrys' hands fell from Hermiones' shoulders and he stared at her disbelievingly until she burst out laughing- so hard in fact that she collapsed onto the couch clutching her stomach.

Harry rolled his eyes, "You really had me going there... Girls are scary!"

Hermione smiled and patted the space beside her, "When last did you see Professor Snape?"

Harry sighed and sank down on the couch beside her, "I saw him at breakfast before you guys left and I haven't seen him since. I guess it figures since the staff and remaining students have one table for the holidays so I guess he wouldn't want to see me unless he has to."

Hermione placed a gentle hand on Harrys' knee, "I'm sorry Harry but you should give him time and besides, you need all your wits about you tonight without any distractions. It was generous and quite brave of you to offer to help Draco all on your own. What's your plan?"

Harry shrugged, "The plan is to not have a plan... I'm just going to go there and do whatever I feel is right in the moment- I can't fail Draco, I can't fail Luna... and I won't."

Hermione stood and pulled Harry to his feet before wrapping him in a hug, "I'm proud of you Harry and all the best."

Harry blushed, feeling quite like he does whenever Mrs Weasley fusses over him.

"Are you leaving now?" asked Harry.

"I told the Weasleys' that I'd only be a few minutes and it was luck that Professor McGonagall actually agreed to give me access to the floo."

"She gave you a time turner Hermione; you don't get luckier than that!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "We're never going to get past that are we? Anyway, if you don't leave as well you'll be late so off with you Mister!"

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