Chapter 6

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Harry tossed and turned for the better part of the night.

He hadn't ended up going down to join his friends for a butterbeer which meant that he was in bed long before the others came in.

It was a short 10 minutes before Harry heard the various snores signalling that the boys' had fallen asleep. He quietly slipped out of bed and made his way to the common room.

The common room was dark save for the slight shadows cast as the fire in the hearth died down. Harry sat on the rug and stared into space...

What made him think that he could do this? That he could play with someones feelings- even if that person was Snape who had made him feel like crap for most of his life at Hogwarts.

Who did he think he was kidding when he said that he was doing this for a good cause? If he really wanted to help Draco- there had to be another way right?

It was too late now though; he was already in too deep.

This wasn't the direction that he hoped his last year would go in. Yeah sure, his studies weren't suffering and that was partly due to Dracos' help in Potions- the only subject he thought he might fail- and the only reason he was getting that help was because of the plan.

He'd come out to his friends on a bright, sunny day during the post-war celebrations; apparently he didn't know it but he was now the wizarding worlds most eligible bachelor and everyone wanted to introduce their daughters, sisters and nieces to him. It was only when one 'brave' mother came forth with her dashing young son that Harry realised that his interest went from nil to sky high- not just for that particular young man but men in general.

Of course, telling Hermione about it was as anti-climatic as ever and telling Ron was like a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end they were both still as supportive as ever and willing to listen and offer advice when needed.

Even with his newfound sexuality, Harry hadn't intended on dating just yet; yes, there was a hell of a lot new things to learn and experience but coming out of a war and seeing so many of those you held dear lose their lives doesn't leave a man unscarred and so Harry decided that maybe there was just other things that he could focus on until he felt ready to test his prospects in the world of dating.

Nothing ever went according to plan though; the end of the war led him to find a friend in Draco Malfoy and his 'saving people thing' or in this case 'helping people thing' didn't let him get far off without a new challenge.

And so here sat Harry- sleepless, restless and utterly confused.

His first ever boyfriend, as it seems was going to be Severus Snape.

He wondered if Draco knew that he hadn't dated a guy before Snape, if Draco knew that he had placed Harry in a situation where he helps one person while he hurts another.

Of course, Snape wasn't hurt just yet but Harry shuddered to think of what would happen when the truth came out.

Would he just be able to break up with Snape after the Christmas ball or did he have to find another way out?

Would Snape finally kill him when he found out?

What was going to happen in the next few weeks before the ball? Would Snape insist on doing 'relationship things'?

He couldn't even imagine Snape in a relationship, let alone a relationship with himself.

Would Snape want to kiss him and touch him?

Strangely that thought didn't freak him out but he supposed that he could now think of the touch of another man- even Snapes'- with newfound interest.

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