Chapter 9

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Harry and Severus danced together for a few more songs before they retreated to the sidelines for drinks and friendly chatter. It was while Severus was conversing with former students that Harry noticed Lucius making a beeline for where they were standing; thankfully for Harry, one of the guests called for his attention and he was halted.

Harry quickly scanned the crowd for Draco and spotted him nearby talking with Luna.

"Severus," said Harry, drawing his partners' attention to himself, "I'm just going to go speak to Draco for a minute."

Severus nodded, "I will join you in a minute."

Harry made his way over to Draco, "Draco," he turned to Luna, "sorry to interrupt Luna but I just needed to ask you both to try to keep Lucius away from Severus and myself."

Draco sighed, "Yes, there's just that little matter of making sure that father doesn't spill the beans to Uncle Severus," he looked at Harry sincerely, "you've done more for me in these past few months than I'd ever be able to repay you for Potter, keeping father off your back is the least that I can do but I'd suggest convincing Severus to leave might be your best option right now; looks like father is making his rounds to thank everyone in attendance."

Harry suddenly felt nervous and it must have showed on his face since Draco gave him a concerned look, "I need to tell Severus about all of this though..."

Draco nodded, "Sooner or later; I guess hearing it from you will be a tad better than if father got to him first..."

"Oh, there's the Professor now," said Luna indicating behind Harry.

Harry turned around and met a smirking Severus, "Gossiping about me?"

Harry grinned, "Just telling Draco that I hope you're ready to leave now, I'm exhausted."

Severus wrapped an arm around Harrys' shoulders, "Of course, we should just inform Lucius before leaving."

Harry turned wide eyed to Draco beckoning him to say something.

Draco caught on and replied, "No need Uncle Severus, I'll let father know. Besides, it is my party after all so I'm as good as the host!"

Harry rolled his eyes at Draco, "You never miss a chance to show off, do you?"

Draco swatted Harrys' arm, "I thought you were leaving?"

"Idiots," muttered Severus in exasperation, "We shall be off then Draco, do enjoy the rest of the evening and congratulations to you and Miss Lovegood."

Harry thumped Draco on the shoulder and leaned over to give Luna a quick hug, "See you both after the hols."

Harry slid his hand into Severus' and they started to make their way to the door when a familiar voice called out, "Leaving without saying goodbye Severus?"

Harry stiffened and Severus turned around, "Nothing as such Lucius, you were busy."

Harry turned around slowly and met eyes with a white faced Draco and a panicked looking Luna.

"Ah never too busy for an old friend," Lucius shot a smirk towards his son, "and especially not one who has helped my son conspire against me so skillfully."

Severus tilted his head slightly to the side studying Lucius, "I don't follow."

Draco cut in, "Father, there are other guests-"

"Nonsense Draco," interrupted Lucius, "at least tell me now how you managed to convince 'principle-driven-Severus' to go along with all of this?"

Severus shot a look at his Godson before he looked at Harry with questioning eyes but Lucius obviously took their silence as a refusal to budge so he continued talking.

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