Chapter Six

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James' POV

I wake up to Sirius running around the dorm picking up all of his stuff. "WHERE IS IT!" He shouts in my ear.

"Where is what?" I asking jumping out of bed and grabbing my clothes.

"Marlene's present, I got her something for Christmas, I was gonna ask her out that day with the present, and I can't find it!"

"What does it look like?" Remus asks coming out from the bathroom.

"It's in a little green box, shaped in a rectangle an- FOUND IT!" He shouts holding up a rectangular green box with a white bow wrapped around it.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well prongsie glad you ask. It's a necklace , she loves cats, and she knows I love dogs, so it has a charm of a dog and a cat."

"Cute, hope  she likes it." Remus says as I pass Sirius clapping him on the back heading into the bathroom.

When I get out fully washed and dressed, we all grab our trunks and head out the room.

We walk down the stairs and see the girls about to leave the common room. "OI GIRLIES!" Sirius shouts.

They all turn around and stop to wait for us. When we get down there Marlene smacks Sirius in the head. "You know we have names. It's not just 'Girlies.'"

"Sorry female marauders." He says laughing.

"Oh shut up." Marlene shoots back as we climb out of the common room.

We walk down the stairs and out to the Great Hall. We all grab a quick breakfast and head down to the carriages. Sirius, Peter, Remus and I sit on one side while Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice sit on the other side.

Time skip to when everyone is off of the train because I just want to get to Christmas.

Sirius spots my parents first and we head over to them. "Who did you invite to the party?" My mom asks after she and my dad hug us. "Sirius, Peter, Marlene McKinnion, Dorcas Meadows, Alice Prewit, and Lily Evans."

"Isn't Lily that girl that you like?" My dad asks.

My face turns red as Sirius says, "Oh yeah, because of her James is pulling less and less pranks."

"Wow" my mom says shocked. "I like her already."

"Yeah well, Sirius hasn't had a girl friend since the beginning or August because he likes Marlene." I say earning a glare from the bright red Sirius.

"Well then, I like her too." My mom says laughing.

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