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     Magnolia and Felicity had been roommates for at least two years before the thing had happened. Maggie was twenty-one and was going for her Master's degree and Felicity was nineteen and in her third year at uni when they both finally decided that living together would be a major blast. It wasn't as bad nor as good as she thought the experience would be. They were both pretty responsible when it came to the organization of the flat, not many complaints of their living situation from either person. However, there were times when Felicity did things that Magnolia found to be rather unfair. Like when she would fix her makeup in the bathroom and leave everything out for a few days, she never would change the toilet paper roll with a new one when there was no paper left, and would expect Magnolia to cook dinner almost everyday even if she would return from her shift late and was exhausted. But also Magnolia wasn't perfect. It could be two in the morning and Felicity could be trying to catch some shuteye so she could be well rested for her run later that day and there Magnolia would be on her laptop, typing up the rest of her chapter loudly with some indie music playing in the background. Not to mention that Magnolia made a terrible dishwasher, soap streaks always left over on the surface of everything whenever she would try cleaning them. 

     So maybe neither of them would make a good maid and maybe Felicity would probably be the kind of mum that would make their kids wear the same jeans for a few days in a row, but they still were content with one another and wouldn't change a thing really. Besides, Magnolia feared no insects which meant that she was Felicity's hero and that was something that Felicity cherished quite dearly. So months and years passed and they grew used to each other's habits and ticks that no one knew about and became inseparable. The respect under their roof was outstanding and to some people, a little hard to believe. Two females living together to some sounds like an explosion waiting to happen, but to Maggie and Felicity, it was home. 

     Maggie wasn't really that loud anyway, cracking a few jokes and squealing from time to time, but not really the kind of person that would be considered too much. She was an introvert, not being able to make eye contact with just anyone during conversation since she found almost everyone to be intimidating yet was very comfortable around Felicity. She trusted her and thought her to be a sister she never knew she needed and that's why they probably made it that far without blowing each other's heads off. Felicity was and is genuinely a kind soul to begin with anyway. She is compassionate and caring and would help Maggie with her anti social problems and her sad problems. For example, Felicity would always be the one ordering food for the both of them so Magnolia wouldn't feel too terrified but would also invite her new acquaintances over their flat and introduce them to Magnolia so she could get to know other people. And when Magnolia would be too embarrassed to admit that she was afraid of the thunderstorm outside, Felicity would coincidentally decide to have a Disney marathon that night. 

     Yeah, Felicity was one of Maggie's anchors, the person that would allow her sanity to stay in tact and Magnolia has always been so appreciative of that, never really having anyone as supportive throughout her life before. At times Magnolia even felt undeserving of her, that Felicity deserved to have a flatmate that was fun and social and not a total mess and a half like Maggie thought herself to be. Her friend hated when she would mention that and would usually change the subject quickly to something more upbeat like how she saw a cat during one of her runs that had big eyes or anything One Direction related to cheer the other girl up. The second topic would usually do the trick.

     Felicity liked the atmosphere Maggie would always bring with her, that calming atmosphere where everything could be quiet or noisy and Felicity would still feel like she was wearing the warmest sweater on a cold winter day. She liked how Maggie would help her with her uni assignments without even a thought and would even go to Felicity's marathons to cheer her on. That whole sister vibe they got from one another was magnetic and delightful and even though Maggie was just one of those people that would always feel lonely no matter the circumstance, she did know that Felicity cared for her and some days that would be the boost she would need to wake up in the morning. 

Chocolate (Zayn Malik Fan-Fic) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now