Cook Pt 3

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"Really?" Cook turned half his body around to look fully at me and raised an eyebrow at me, and put his hand on my leg.

"Really, I'm ready" I gave him a small smile and a nod. Cook cleared his throat and brought his left hand up to rub the back of his neck.

"I don't want you to rush into it if you're not ready. Don't do it just because I want to."

I sat up completely, facing him. "You know I'd never do anything I wasn't comfortable with."

Cook sighed and ran his hand up and down my thigh. "If you're sure you're ready."

"I am."


Cook leaned in towards me leaving a light kiss on my lips and shifted his weight to his knees, lightly pushing me back onto the bed. He threw his left leg over my hips, straddling me; he continued to plant light kisses on my lips and slowly moved down to my jaw before stopping and lifting his head.

"Why'd you stop?"

Without saying anything Cook slid his hands under his shirt that I was wearing making me tense up. Cook let out a small chuckle.

"What's wrong Love?"

"Your hands are cold."

He shook his head and left his hands wander again going further and further up my shirt. They made it to my bare chest and he continued in lifting the shirt off my body. Instinctively I put my arms and hands over my body to try and shield myself from his intense stare.

"Baby, please don't cover yourself. You're beautiful and shouldn't hide yourself from me."

"It's just that-" Once again Cook's index finger fell onto my lips and he gave me a sharp stare.

"I don't want to hear any excuses Leigh, you're beautiful and you're not going to be hiding your cute little tummy from me and that's final."

He leaned down and pecked my lips again before going back to my jaw. His right hand found its way down to my hip and he used it as support as he undid his drawstring on his sweats and tugged them down. My hands immediately went to his torso and ran my hands down his stomach to his underwear. Cook rolled his hips down onto mine and a small moan slipped past my lips. He kissed his way down my neck and ribs landing on my hips. His middle fingers came up and hooked into the waistband of my panties and made eye contact with me. My breathing started to become heavy and deep in anticipation as he slowly pulled my panties down my legs and over my feet. He threw them onto the floor somewhere behind him and before coming back up he slipped of his boxers. Cook rolled his body back up onto mine and supported himself on his hands beside my head. He reached over into the bedside table's drawer and pulled out a condom.

"Don't need any little cookie's running around."

He joked before falling quiet again. Rolling the condom on, he lined himself up with my entrance

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop this now and just cuddle or continue."

"I'm sure. I love you James Cook."

I knew he hated it when people called him James, but for some reason he didn't mind when I did it. After I said those words Cook slowly pushed himself into me trying not to hurt me. I felt a couple tears falling from my eyes, but it didn't bug me that much. Cook looked up at me and gave me a sympathetic expression.

"I'm sorry Love, I don't want this to hurt, but I promise it'll feel better soon. Just make it through this."

He wiped the fallen tears and continued to push in till he was completely inside me. He paused before moving his hips giving me time to adjust to the feeling for a few seconds before I gave him the slightest little nod telling him was okay to move. Cook's hips shifted the slightest little bit before his went forward again, the pain did come back a little but it was duller now. His slow pace kept up and his hands slid up my arms to my own hands intertwining our fingers as he kept thrusting.

"Baby, I love you so much."

"Love you too Cook."

Our breathing increased and got deep, sweat started to form on our foreheads and the bed creaked every once in a while, our moans ranging from quiet to loud, but the only thing that mattered was me and Cook; our hands stayed intertwined through it all. I was approaching my high and I was almost positive Cook was too.

"Baby, I'm close." A moan left my lips and my hands gripped his harder.

"I know Love, just hold out a little longer."

Figuring he'd speed his thrusts up, I braced my body for it, but it never came. He let out a chuckle which turned into a loud moan.

"Mmm, fuck."

Cook kept moaning and his thrusts were getting sloppy. He kissed my lips sweetly and put his face in my neck thrusting a little faster but not much. Soon we both let one final moan slip and we were coming undone within each other's grasps. Cook laid on top of me for a minute or two before slowly pulling out and laying beside me in an attempt to calm his breathing. I searched the floor in the dark for one of his t-shirts and finally found what I was looking for, putting it on I crawled back into bed to snuggle up to Cook's side. Laying my head on his chest and throwing my right arm over his waist, allowing him to wrap his left around my shoulders and play with my hair.

"Leigh." Cook said my name making me turn my head towards him


"I love you."

"I love you too, Cook."


"No?" confused I furrowed my eyebrows and moved away from him a little bit. A light laugh sounded the room and he pulled me back into him.

"I like it better when you call me James."

I giggled "Okay, James."

He moved his head down and kissed the top of my head before getting comfortable, and we both fell asleep. 

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