Cook Part 8

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A/N: Guys, I feel so stupid for this but, the reason why some of the story doesn't make sense is because Chapter 8 wasn't supposed to be published yet. After I had written that chapter I accidentally hit the "publish"button. So I have now straightened everything out and here is the order they were supposed to be in, again I'm sorry. This one is just some of the other chapters ending. I hope this will all make sense now.  

It's now around 4 am and Cook is still partying. Leigh is wide awake, laying in the their bed lightly rubbing her hand over her still flat tummy

"I'm sorry little one. Your daddy can be a dick sometimes" I got up and stood in front of the body mirror by the closet. Pushing out my belling, I lifted up my tank top and turned sideways.

"Hmm...cute." I let the shirt fall back down to its original position and go to pull open the bedroom door when Cook came back through it.

"Ahh!" I let out a small scream as Cook fell to the floor, failing to catch his balance.

"Babe! You're missing the party!"

"Uhm, yeah...I was tired so I came up here." Either Cook knew I was lying or was too drunk to process what I just said because he blankly stared at me before blinking and moving to sit on the bed.

"Are you felling okay, Love?"

"Yes Cook I'm fine." I didn't take notice of my use of Cook instead of James, but I did take notice of the way his head shot up at the word.

"Cook?" his voice was unsteady and his eyebrows knitted together.

"Cook," I gave him an affirming nod "that's your name isn't it?"

"You only call me that when angry."

"Cook, I told you, I was tired. Now go back downstairs and have fun. I'm going to sleep."

Silently, Cook gets back up from the bed and slowly walks over to the door.

"Sorry" his voice was is small and barely audible. He quietly shut the door and walked back down to the party. A few minutes later, I heard Cook yelling for everyone to leave.

"Get out! Everybody fucking leave! I said get out!"

Soon enough there was complete silence left in the house and I could finally hear myself think for the first time tonight, realizing the pounding going on in my head I shoved my head under the blankets and squeezed my eyes shut. Heavy footsteps bounded up the stairs and the door opened yet again revealing Cook. My head peeked out from under the blanket watching as he stripped down to his briefs before I lifted the covers up silently asking him to join me.

"Oh, you're not mad at me anymore?" Cook was being a smart ass and I was getting emotional.

"Cook, I swear to God if you don't get your cute little ass in this bed.."


"Get in the fucking bed, Cook." I let my arm come down again as it was getting tired and Cook finally walked over and got in next to me.

While rolling over, I firmly grabbed Cook's right hand and placed it onto my stomach and scooted back into his bare chest. I quickly fell asleep and soon enough Cook's breath became deep and even, falling asleep.

Morning came around and Cook was still deep in sleep, stretching and getting up, I walked into the bathroom looking at my small bump before finishing taking off my clothes and looked at it again.

"Hi baby, it's your mommy. I love you so much peanut." I turned sideways and pushed my tummy outward and leaning back a little. After messing with peanut for a couple, I got into the shower.

James CookWhere stories live. Discover now