Chapter 5 Nialls POV

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Niall's POV

After the show the boys and I all walked down this very long hallway to the room that we would be meeting our fans. The hallway seemed endless until we came to a red door. As we walk into the room I run up to Paul.

"Hey Paul can you do me a favor? It would mean the world to me!"

"Anything for you Niall! What do you need?"

"Well I was just wondering if you could go and see if a girl named Lucy is in line for the meet and greets?"

"Is this girl someone special?" Paul says while punching me in my arm.

"No she's just that girl I went by during Little Things."

"Niall and Lucy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Louis exclaimed while making kissy faces at me.

"Louis you are so immature!!"

"Well no duh CAPTIN OBVIOUS!"

"Oooooooo Niall's got a thing for a fan," Harry says.

"So how did you meet Lucy?" Liam questioned. "Well let me tell you."


The guys and I started to sing our first song of the night Strong. Zayn started to sing and all the fans went cray cray!!!!! Out of the corner of my eye I see this beautiful young girl maybe around the age of 16 or 17, shaking this bright lime green sign. It took awhile for my eyes to see what the sign said because she was waving the sign around. Finally she stops shaking it and I read the dark black letters "I ❤ One Direction Unconditionally By Lucy" I've never had a fan say that about our band before.

I start to hear Zayn sing his solo so I know mine is coming up. After his solo I jumped off my black stool and ran over to Lucy. Right before I started my solo I reached my hand out for hers. She grabbed my hand and I felt a warm inside. Something about her touch felt right. I looked into those beautiful big hazel eyes of hers and I started to sing my solo.

Just as the words IS THAT SO WRONG came out of my mouth, I bent over and placed a lite kiss on Lucy hand then walked back to my stool next to Liam. As I was walking, I turned my head back to see Lucy staring right at me with a huge smile on her face. Mission accomplished I said to myself. As I was looking at her I knew at that moment that I had found my Princess.


Lucy POV

After the concert I sprinted to the door where you had to stand if you had backstage passes! I looked around me and I was the first person at the door! As time went on more an more fans came to stand by the door. I turn behind me because I heard a girl talking about how last week they went to a CD signing and they got to the signing really late because of traffic. I turned around to join in the conversation behind me.

"Were the boys amazing?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"They we're so handsome! Hi I'm Morgan and I'm in love Harry!!!

"Hi Im Becca and I'm madly in love with Liam! I just want to take Liam home and have his babies!!"

"Becca chill your tits! If you tell Liam that you want to have his babies, you might come off as a creeper!" Morgan said to Becca.

"Well anyways what's your name?"

"Hi I'm Lucy!"

"Well its nice meeting another member of my family!"

"Yeah so what did you two think of the concert?"

"My favorite part was when Liam was singing!!"

"Umm Becca, Liam sang the hole consort."

"I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!" Becca was jumping up and down like a kangaroo on crack.

"We'll anyways what did you think of the concert Morgi?"

"I loved it. My favorite part was when Niall kissed some fans hand." I just realized that she was talking about Niall kissing my hand!

"I know who that fan was Morgan."

"No way who was it?" Morgan was jumping up and down at the fact that I knew that girl!

"Me. Niall kissed my hand. Out of all the girls in the front row me picked me!!"

"Holy Shiz Lucy! Do you know what this means?"

"No?" I said in a confused voice. "

This means he likes you!" My jaw dropped as those three words came out of her mouth. HE. LIKES. YOU! I felt a hard tap on my right shoulder

"Hey is your name Lucy?" A tall buff man that looked just like a bodyguard was standing behind me.

"Yes, may I help you?"

"I'm going to need to have you go to the back of the line miss." I look at the bodyguard with a puzzled look on my face. I look behind me to see about 50 fans standing behind me. There is no way in hell that I'm going to the back of this line! I full on sprinted to get to this line first!

"May I ask why I need to go to the end of the line?" I say in an irritated tone.

"Well lets just say that your going to be happy with the out come if you do go to the end of the line!"

"Lucy remember what we just got done talking about?" I totally forgot about my new friends Morgan and Becca. I remembered Morgan saying she once came late to a CD signing for One Direction and ended up being the last person. But she got to spend more time with the boys. Maybe God is giving me a chance with Niall? So before I went to the back of the line I got Morgan's and Becca phone numbers. It was kinda hard to say goodbye to my new friends but I had to. I was going to meet my Prince!


The characters Morgan is based on my best friend in real life! She loves One Direction so I decided to but her in my story!!!

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