Chapter 9 This can't be happening

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WARNING: This Chapter is sad. It's not true at all, but I thought I would make this chapter a little emotional. Oh and One Direction won't be mentioned until next chapter.


As I hang up the phone I notice all the guys are celebrating. I guess they are pretty exited that I'm staying the night with them. But who am I kidding IM FREAKIN OUT INSIDE! I never would of guessed this would happen to me! I have to thank my Wonderful Mom and Dad for making this day happen. But I have to act natural so I don't scare them away.

I'm awkwardly standing by myself right now. Out of dead silence my phone blasts the song The Story Of My Life by One Direction. The guys are wrestling with each other and being normal teens, but once they hear my phone going off they stop what their doing and give me a funny look. "Sorry about this guys. I'm getting a phone call. I'll be right back."

As I walk into the hallway I pull my phone out to see its Dave my step-dad calling me.

"Hey Dave what's up?"

"Lucy your mom got into an accident and she's in the hospital!!" I couldn't really understand what Dave was saying because he was crying so hard. It must be serious cause Dave never cry's! And I mean NEVER.

"Dave calm down I can't understand what your saying. Just breath an tell me what's going on." After I hear Dave sniffle a few times he finally speaks.

"Lucy, mom has been in a horrible car accident. She's in the St. Marry's Hospital in Madison right now. It's not looking good."

"Oh my gosh! Are you f f f f for real? You have to be lying!" I could barely talk anymore I was so choked up. My mother, my mother that u had just seen not even 2 hours ago, is in a hospital?! Why is this happening to my mom?! I'm so into thought that I haven't even notice that Dave was calling my name on the phone.


"Sorry what else do u need to tell me?!"

"I'm in the hospital with her right now. Her heart monitor is slowly about to flat line." Dave takes the phone away from his ear and cry's even harder. I'm leaning up agents the wall. I can't stand up anaymore. My legs are giving out and I'm starting to slowly slide down the wall. I'm crying so hard I can barely get the words I need to say out of my mouth. As I turn my phone on speaker I hear a loud beeping noise that is constant. I then hear Dave yelling "Stop, let me see my Wife. Let go of me NOWWW!"

*******Dave's POV******

Flash Back

I was in my tree stand in our backyard when I got the call from the hospital.


"Hi Mr. Wenzel this is Dr. Anne Hoffman of St. Marry's hospital in Madison."

"Hi this is Dave, how may I help you?"

"I'm calling to inform you that your wife has been in a serious car accident." I don't say another word as I hang the phone up, jump out of my tree stand, & sprint toward the house. I need to get to my wife.

Flash Back Ends

********Dr. Anne POV*****

I was on my break when the EMS ran in the hospital with Dawn Wenzel on a stretcher.

"Hey Doc! We need you stat!"

"Joe what do we have here?"

"We have a 32 year old female her names Dawn Wenzel, and she got into a car accident."

"How did this happen?"

"Drunk driver came out of no were and hit her head on. Used Jaws of life to get her out. It's not looking good!"

"Bring her into the ER. Ill be there in a flash, I'll call her husband." As I look through he files I find Dave Wenzel!


"Hi Mr. Wenzel this is Dr. Anne Hoffman of St. Marry's hospital in Madison."

"Hi this is Dave, how may I help you?"

"I'm calling to inform you that your wife has been in a serious car accident." The Line went dead as the other end of the line was hung up.

**********Dave's POV******

I jump into my car and head toward Madison! Why is this happening to my wife?! What did she ever do wrong? I slam my fist into the car horn making me honk at the car in front of me.

1 hour later

I decide to call Lucy and tell her what's going on. After a few minutes of being on the phone with Lucy I start to look at dawn. As I stare at Dawn for a few seconds I notice a loud beeping noise. As I look at her heart meter it starts to flat line. The door I'm standing in front of swings open. Nurse after nurse after nurse file into the room. I'm in aw! I'm brought back to reality when a nurse starts to push me out of the room!

"Mr. Wenzel please go to the waiting room," she says as she shoves me out into the hallway.

I pound my fist against the door "Stop, let me see my Wife. Let me see her

me NOWWW!"


Hey everyone!! I just wanted to say sorry about not having one direction in this chapter. I think

this is a really long chapter! THANKS FOR ALL THE READS! I have 600 some reads on this Story! That's incredible that people read and like my story! PLZ kik me @Stebor2017 if you would like to be part of this fan fiction! Just tell me on kik that u read my story and want to be in it. I will put you in here somehow! Keep reading and VOTING!!!! Love y'all


P.S If your a Mahomie and you read this then AWESOME!!! Hey and Austin Mahone is BETTER!! Oh and COMMENT if you've heard the new One Direction song The Story Of My Life! It's so good! Oh and To make you laugh go on youtube and type in MAD TV Can I Have Your Number!

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