Chapter 14

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Niall's POV

As I wake up I see the sun trying to peek through the curtains. I guess it's time to wake up, I say to myself. As I look down I see Lucy sound asleep in my arms. Awww she looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I slowly unwind her arms from around my torso and head for the bathroom. After I'm done doing my business I go back to the bed to see Lucy moving around.

"Babe. are you awake?" I say to her.

"Unfortunately yes I am awake Niall."

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"I slept like an angel. I was so warm thank you. I'm feeling really dizzy Niall."

"Well ill make u some food. What do you want for breakfast?" I ask her.

"French toast would be amazing. I love French toast it's my fav." she says while trying to yawn.

"Ok I'll be right back you just stay in bed." I say as I kiss her on the top of her head.

20 minutes after trying to make French toast, I finally exceed. As I walk over to the bed Lucy is asleep again.

"Hey wake up. Your food is ready. Lucy? Lucy? WAKE UP!!" I scream. There is no movement from her. I generally shake her fragile body, but still, no response. With out thinking I rip the covers off of her body. I take two fingers and place them on her neck.

No Pulse.

I pick her up bridal style and run out the door, down the hall, to the guys room!

"GUYS PLEASE GET OUT HERE!!!! PLEASE LUCY IS HURT." All the guys rush out of the room in panic.

"What's wrong Niall?" Asked a sleepy Harry.

"Guys she has no pulse we need to call 911! Please hurry. I'm going to run down to the lobby and wait for the ambulance."

"I'll go call 911." Yells Harry, already back in his room.

"I'll come with you." Says Liam.

"Me and Louis will come also." explained Zayn.

Not waiting anymore time I sprint down to the end of the hall where the stairs are. As I running down the stairs with Lucy in my arms I start to cry.

"Lucy please babe. Wake up. WAKE UP! I need you." I watch as my tears hit the floor. What could of happened in that 20 of me making her breakfast? I don't think anymore as I burst through the door into the Hotel lobby.

"Hello Mr. Horan!" Waves the lady behind the desk.

"Hi. Where is the ambulance?"

"They'll be here in about 4 minutes. Traffic is bad out there." She says.

"I DON'T HAVE FOUR MINUTES!!! SHE'S NOT BREATHING!" I go into panick mode as run out of the hotel with Lucy in my arms.

"Where are you going?" Yells Zayn from behind me.


Pretty soon I'm running down the streets of Chicago, dodging people left and right. I finally come to the Hospital.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME. SHE'S NOT BREATHING!!!" The nurse behind the desk calls for 5 other nurses to come get Lucy. The take her from my arms an put her on a bed an rush her to a room.


"Please mister. Just sit down over here. Calm down it will be ok."

My breathing is heavy as I try to gasp for air. I've never cried this much before. How could this of happened? Did I do something wrong? As I try to pull myself together, the nurse leads me to a chair so I can sit down. I place my head in my hands and cry. I close my eyes and an image of steph not breathing floods my mind.

"Niall!" Louis yells. All of the guys including Paul come over by me.

"Hey what's going on?" Asks Liam.

"I'm not sure. They wheeled her to a room."

"I'm so sorry man." says Harry as he sits next to me.

"I just want to know whats going on with her!"

"Hey so yesterday what was up with lucy? asks Hazza!

"Well her mom passed away in a car accident on her way home.

"Oh no I'm so sorry I asked."

"It's ok lad, now you know."

20 minutes later

The nurse walks out and i jump to my feet.

"Whats wrong with her? is she ok.

"Well she had a heart attack and passed out. She was in a coma for a half in hour. But she is awake and perfectly fine now, but she might have some memory loss."

"Memory loss? How bad?"

"Ah not to bad but still can't remember a lot of stuff."

"Oh okay. Can I go see her now?"

"Yes follow me.". We walk through a door into a long hallway. Gosh I hate hospitals, they remind me off the day my nephew died. That day was horrible. I remember getting the call from my brother saying that Theo had died. We was born 4 weeks premature and was in an incubator. Well anyway he passed away an thats why I hate hospitals.

As we reach the end of the hallway we come to Lucy's room.

"Here's her room Mr. Horan."

"Thank you." As I look around the room my eyes land on Lucy laying in bed. She looks horrifying, black bags under her eyes, she looks lifeless. I rush to her side and wrap my arms around her body. to my suprise she grabs my body and pushes me forcefully away from her.

"NURSE GET THIS GUY AWAY FROM ME? WHO IS HE?" Lucy screams. A nurse rushes through the door and runs to her side.

"Calm down Ms. Dallas! this is Niall."

My jaw drops. Does she not know who I am?

She studies me for what seems like a life time then finally speaks.

"I have no idea who you are."

My heart sank to my stomach. she doesn't remember me.


HEY GUYS! I'm SOOO sorry that it's been over 4 months since I've updated. I had really really bad writer block! but hope everyone is having a good summer!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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