Chapter 6 The Meet and Greet

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Lucy POV

I walked to the back of line with a million things going through my head. Did my hair look good, was my makeup ok? WOW I needed an ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder) pill right now! As I got to the back of the line I noticed some girls that were totally freaking out! I ignored them and sat down on a bench that was by the wall. My feet hurt so bad from my new Batman converses I just got a day ago. I put my face in my hands and closed my eyes. I noticed the girl that was freaking out the most kinda looked like a girl version of Louis!

"Omg Mikayla!! I can't wait to meet Louis! I brought him some carrots!"

"Maggie I can't wait to meet Zayn! He is just so totally dreamy," Mikayla said. I zone them out and go back to relaxing in the bench.

As I'm siting on the bench I start to stair at my hands. I had a lot of scratches on my hands. How did this happen? Oh there was a girl about my age with short brown hair, a retainer and piercing brown eyes. When Niall came up to me and started to see to me, this chick tried to claw her way to him! She pushed and shoved me just to get a touch of Niall's soft warm hands. Her nails were like cat claws! As I look back up from starring at my hands, I see the the same girl that hurt me standing in front of me. Her hands are planted on her hip and she is tapping her foot. She is smiling like crazy! I give her a weird look like what's wrong with your face? Why was she still smiling? Her smile on the outside looked like a friendly smile, but behind the smile was a evil devil. She was wearing Booty shorts that are cut right below her crotch. She had a very low cut shirt that showed her big boobs. What an attention whore good greff.

"May I help you?" I say in an irritated tone.

"I'm Lauren, and who are YOUUU?"

"Thats for me to know and for you to find out, LAUREN."

"Are you giving me sass? If you are, we are going to have issues!" As she said issues she spit on me!!

"Say it don't spray it, nasty. So, what do you want girl?"

"I know that you are having feelings for Niall, but u listen hear missy Niall IS MINE SO BACK OFF!!"

"News flash most of America has feelings for Niall and I can do whatever the heck I want to do! Your not my mother. You didn't birth me out of your vagina!"

"If you make a move on him I'll make a move on you." As she says that she made the motion like she was going to claw me!

"Wow kitty got claws!"

Before I can make a move she steps closer to me and slaps my face! I stand up and punch her in the face. Red blood seeps out of her now broken nose.

"How you like me now Beoch?!?!?" I pull my fist back ready to hammer her face in even more until I stop myself. Lauren is on her knees holding her face in her hands.

"Get up and fight back," I tell her. She stands up, flips her hair, and sniffles.

"You haven't seen the last of me You slut!" She spat at me.

"Just turn around and walk the other way! You don't want me to sock you one in the face again do you?" She didn't answer me.

"Exactly what I thought!" She flips me off, turns around and walks the other way.

"Bye, have a nice day Lauren!" I yell to her as she struts away! Well that was a nice chat I just had. Could this day get any better? I sigh really loud.

One Hour Later

As I look in front of me I see Paul One Direction's body guard.


This chapter is dedicated to my friends Maggie, Mikayla, and Lauren. By the way Lauren is not snotty at all. She is one of my best friends. I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and Comment. Bye Love Stephanie.

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