Chapter 5- Austin

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Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

My hand slammed down on the snooze button of my limited edition sunglasses rooster alarm clock. Then I excitedly threw the covers off of me, and jumped out of bed with a big smile on my face. I enjoyed the feeling of my eyes squinting against the harsh rays of sunlight streaming in through the windows.

I stripped off my PJs and slipped on my Pikachu house slippers. I went to my dresser and pulled out my wrinkly uniform. I took it into the adjoining bathroom with me to start on my usual morning routine.

Ten minutes later, I swaggered out of my bathroom with my gelled-up hair and grabbed my backpack with a graceful movement. I proceeded to exit my room in the same manner and was met with the cheerful greetings of my floormates.

"Yo wus'sup homedog?"

"Hey, dude."

"Lookin' good, bro!"

I threw each of them a pair of finger guns and one of them nodded in response. I walked down the hallway with a confident swagger. "Today is gonna be a good day." I thought to myself as I pushed the double doors open.

I felt my confidence grow the closer and closer I got to the school. As I entered the building, I heard guys snickering. But I didn't let it get to me on this beautiful morning. I continued to stroll down the hallway, the amount of giggling increasing the closer I got to my locker.

Why are they giggling like little school girls? It reminds me of those shoujo animes I like watching like the one I just finished, Ouran High School Host Club. I totally ship Haruhi with Hikaru-senpai. I find it hard to believe that she ends up with that crying, daddy-loving blonde senpai. But that's just me. Sometimes I end up liking the non-main ship better. These creators have no clue how to pair people sometimes. Just one of these days, one of them is going to regret the main pair in their shows, I sw -

I had just opened my locker when a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. I bent forward to get a better view of what was on the paper.

Upon closer inspection, all the blood drained from my face.

"Landon, what the hell were you doing last night?" I angrily asked my younger brother.

He turned his head to look at me through his sunglasses as he was picking up aspirin at our local drugstore. I had just heard what happened when I saw him enter the store.

"Nothing you care about, buzzkill. I was just having a little fun, that's all," he answered back vaguely as he began walking to the register.

"I care when people make the wrong decisions and yours was beyond wrong. It might have been one of the worst choices you could make," I reprimanded him, following him.

As he paid, he asked, "What about what I did was wrong?" He made it sound as if it was no big deal.

"Underage drinking is a HUGE deal," I claimed. "It's even worse when a new middle schooler crashes a high school party and does it. You don't know what could've happened to you."

"Get off my case, Austin," he said, annoyed. He stepped away from the counter, but didn't make a move to walk out of the store. "Show a little more sympathy; your younger brother's going through his first hangover."

"You shouldn't even have one in the first place. You're lucky I didn't tell mom and dad about this. That's my sympathy."

"That's not sympathy. That's your job as an older brother."

"My job as an older brother is to protect you. And if telling mom and dad about this would've punished you and convinced you to not do this again, then I should've told them. I should tell them now," I lectured him.

"Stop telling me what to do! You can't tell me how to live my life, so stay out of it!" Then he ran out of the store.


I felt whiter than a piece of paper at the memory. And that's when I heard the laughter increase and encompass me like a veil of torment. These suppressed memories were resurfacing in my mind and I didn't like it one bit. The sound was reverberating in my head and that imaginary veil felt like it was closing in on me until it was constricting me, preventing any air exchange between me and the environment.

Unable to handle this overwhelming feeling in public, I unconsciously ran out of the school's doors, not before noticing the same piece of paper numerously placed all over the school's walls.


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