Chapter Six- Joseph

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"Joseph Ludwig, report to the principal's office this instance!!!!!" The speakers blared.

"Sh*t, what did I do now?!" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Ludwig, you heard the principal. Head over to the office now, or would you like me to escort you out the door?!" Mrs. Claws yelled angrily towards me, adjusting her glasses.

I huffed under my breath. 'Damn this teacher was annoying, she should be glad that I'm only a student and can't do anything without getting expelled.' I took a breath to calm myself, yanked my bag off my chair, and stormed angrily past Mrs. Claws.

As I walked out the door, I heard my classmate's dramatic 'oooh's' in the background as they snickered and laughed at my being in trouble. 'God, how old are they?' This school sucks, but I guess it's better than staying with my stupid parents. The only thing I miss at home is my brother, Wyatt. At least, he was there for me, until-

The speakers blared again, this time yelling my name louder as if I didn't have ears on either side of my head.

Mrs. Garza, oh goody. How the hell did she even get a husband? What does she even do all day, play Candy Crush, or I bet she knits sweaters for her cats! HA! That'd be a sight to see: the school's #1 stick up everyone's butt! I swear to God her damn yelling is going to make me tear out my own ears one day. Plus, she always acts like she's all high and mighty just because she has a microphone and can project her damn deafening voice out towards the school.

I strolled past the classrooms, my bag shifting lazily with each step. Glancing past the doorways, I smirked coming up with a genius idea. Scanning the hallways, I chose the first door I saw and kicked it wide open. The door slammed into the wall with a huge crash knocking down a bookcase hidden neatly in the corner. The quiet classroom all jumped in surprise, one student even fell backwards with a thud. Hah! Poor kid was probably leaning off the end of his chair until I showed up! I saw the teacher clasp his chest; he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Damn, I need to do this again sometime. This definitely makes up for what happened in class today!

I turned tail and ran. I was cracking up so hard my eyes were watering! I could hear the angry screams in the background, and, above them all, I heard the teacher scream in a voice that even beat Mrs. Garza and her speakers. I skidded towards the corner down the hallway then slowed down my pace to a walk, like the innocent angel I am. I came past a door and my smile slowly fell into a frown as I realized that I would meet the speakers queen in person again.

I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door. Didn't wanna ruin my goody-two-shoes reputation again.

"Hello, Mr. Garza~ My charm must be rubbing off on you because you look as stunning as always this evening!"

"Oh HA HA, very funny, Ludwig, AND THAT'S MRS. TO YOU! I AM NOT A MAN!!"

"Your voice says otherwise."

"Do you want to be expelled, too?!"

"Of course not, Mrs Gurrza." I smiled delightfully


"Oh noo, my mommy will give me a time out! Whatever will I do?" I dramatically put my arm over my head like a drama queen.

"YOU-YOU!! UGGHHH!!" She slammed her hands on the desk, her face as red as a stop sign, and her poor speakers nearly tumbling down the edge.

"Does someone need a time out? Maybe I should call your mommy too."

"....Lucky for you the principal is ready to see you now, you little sh*t."

Just as her sentence finished the principal flew in doing a double flip landing on the table and gave a stern look at Ms. Garza and her mouth dropped open. (Nah I'm just messing with you. That principal is no angel. I'm being for real right now. If he could rule hell, he totally would. This principle is a major asshole.

"Come with me, Mr. Ludwig. I'm ready to see you right now."

I make my way to his office.

"What did I do now?" I said with a smile.

"You're in big trouble."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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