Chapter Three- Zander

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Why is it taking so long for the bell to ring I thought to myself as my stomach started to growl loudly. I could eat just about anything right now. The chair looks delicious. I could just eat it right now. Oh, wait never mind the dude in front of me just farted on it. The guy next him scooted away from him covering his nose. The smell was so bad that I jolted out of my desk knocking everything off. All of my stuff clattered underneath Mr. Farty Pants desk. Yay for me! Slowly and quietly I made my way under his desk to pick up my stuff. Luckily Mr. Fatty Pants decided to cut the cheese once again. I tried to breathe through my mouth, but it didn't help at all. What did this guy eat spoiled milk and rotten eggs?! He needs a bathroom break like now. Dear God, my eyes are watering it was so stank. I hurried and grabbed my stuff and stood up rushing to my desk like my life depended on it.

"Effing Zander, why are you running in my classroom?" said Mr. Huffington.

I heard the whole class snicker, I tried my best not to reveal my last name because it was so embarrassing.

"I dropped my stuff underneath the desk."

"That is no excuse to be running in my classroom."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Huffington. I promise that I will never run in the classroom again."

"Please go outside Mr. Effing and think about what you did." The whole class burst out laughing. As I made my way out the class Mr. Farty Pants smacked my behind.

"You should stop Effing around in class!"

"Yeah Effing."

"Maybe you should get the Eff out of the classroom."

"Class quiet down please."

I walk out of the classroom and fell forward. Some a**hole kicked my a** on my way out the door. A few minutes later the bell rings. The whole school comes into the hallways. Some other person kicks my a** again. Making my way down the hallway, the kicking wouldn't stop. Can this day get any worse? Halfway towards my cafeteria, someone kicked me causing me to bump into some random boy with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was a little chubby with honey blond hair and a lot of freckles.

"I-I-I'm s-so sorry!!!!!" he stuttered, his face getting redder.

"Naw, dude it's alright..." I replied as I grabbed his shoulders.

"T-thank you," he muttered.

"No prob, duuuuuddddeeee...." I looked down at his waist. "Uhhhh, was I interrupting something?"

"N-no!! I-I mean that I got pranked by..." He looked like he was ready to burst into tears.

"W-whoa, dude!! Are you alright??" I asked concerned. I began to take off my jacket. It was one of the only ways that I could help him with whatever he was dealing with.

"Uh... Here little dude..." I said.

He looked very surprised. "O-oh no! It's alright you don't have to-" He said

"No, it's fine just take it. You need it more than me," I said.

He blushed and took the jacket from me. "Thanks," he whispered and sprinted off.

But a second later he came back and asked for my name.

"It's Zander, by the way, and, uh, good luck on your prank thingy," I smirked.

"Um, Zander?" he asked.

"Yeah, man?" I replied

"You have a slap me sign on your behind...." he told me.

I looked behind me and ripped off the PLZ HIT ME sign. Holy crap, I had so much duct tape on my a**. Just as I was about to say thank you he was gone.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter. -artsquad

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