take a chill pill

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it's a very late time to be ranting when i'm supposed to just chill and finish my movie marathon but i need to speak my opinion out.

to the 5sos fam who magically disappeared, TAKE a GodDamnEd chilL piLL

yes there are many paragraphs full of interviews with THE THREE BOYS ; ashton, calum and luke BUT NOT MIKEY uhm

there's a whole lot of paragraphs full of lies or truths. if the editor really wanted this whole fucking drama to start and make the fam go ape shit, he did it with flying colours, applause my friend

it's really rude to just make MAJOR changed to an interview that is going to be printed and sold to many newsstands and make people read it. ITS GONNA BE FUCKING DIFFICULT TO CHANGE MANY THINGS ONCE THE MAGAZINE IS OUT

The many topics they brought up while having an interview is insanely outrageous because you're supposed to ask them questions about sgfg and how they're dealing with their tour and not goof around and ask something about the pros of being famous. PROS OF BEING FAMOUS ; go out there and preach about how wonderfully bad people are treating each other, how people should start protecting one another, how they should respect and treat people like people and not a toy to come back to every ten days, how parents/people should accept and support people coming out.

it's also disappointing to forget a member of the band and wedge this vegetable inside of the interview. is arzaylea a founding member? is arzaylea really that important to the interview? well if she is then why don't the editor wedge in other unimportant people into the picture? make it all fair for the THREE boys.

the fam should start forgetting this whole issue and move past this drama that's pulling us apart and creating wars. we're F A M I L Y, we stick thru thick and thin and we'll get through this.

it's a whole new year in 3 days, let's just forget this drama and leave it in 2015

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