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ok so here goes notHing !!

So I transferred school and becAme the new girl and yada yada. BUT NEWS FLASH I STILL HAVENT FOUND SOMEONE WITH SAME INTERESTS WITH !! (So sHocking ikr) its been like what 5 months and i still hvent found one

but i'm with a group of friends but liKe itS SO IMPOSSIBLE TO TALK TO THEM BEcause we have nothig to tAlk about

i mean they're great but dont use me as a back up plan when ur friggin lonely ass
i rlly wanna know why they befriended me in the first place when ThEy dont even tell me like what their fav food or colour is LIKE HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT U LIKE

i do hve something in common with them like one of them likes mel martinez and the other one likes 5sos but THRY NEVER TALK ABOUT THEM oR HARDLY TALK ABOUT THEM

they're great and all but you only include me when we're either going out on moviEs or hanGing in ur house i mEan i'm not dead or eat pEople god

iTs just sooooo frustrating because theY only inTeract with mE when i'm like sittinG beside theM

anyways hope ur day was lovely :-))

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