Chapter 2 *The arrival*

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A week later I was on my way to LA to meet Emblem3 and record with them. Sammy and Rena couldn’t make it because they had a family vacation but they would fly out in a few days.

“We will be landing in five minutes please stay buckled until the plane has completely landed, thank you.”

Oh my goodness this was actually happening, in just 10 minutes I will be meeting Emblem3. Ah! I really wish Sammy and Rena were here with me tho.

“We have safely landed, please exit safely and have a wonderful stay in LA.”

I slowly worked my way off the plane to see a mob of people, where were the boys? Were they here. I quickly scanned the room looking for a sign of them. Just then I saw it, well them. I took a deep breath and walked over.

“Hi.” I smiled.                                                                                                                                                 

“Are you Andy?” Wes asked.

“Yeah, that’s me.” I giggled.

“AND-DAYYYY!” Drew screamed pulling me into a hug. He smelled just like a Holster store, just as I imagined.

“Hi Drew.” I laughed.

“I get her next!” Wes smiled. He pulled me into his arms. His killer smile was even more perfect in real life.

I looked over at Keaton, he was just awkwardly standing there with the stupidest but most adorable smile on his face.

“Hi Keaton.” I shyly smiled.

“H-hi, Andy, you are so beautiful.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” I giggled.

“Shit, did I just say that out loud?”  He blushed.

“Yeah.” Wes laughed.

“Oops.” Keaton awkwardly said.

“Your even more awkward in person.” I said.

“Umm,” He mumbled.

“CRAP! I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but its not a bad thing, I love awkward people, I mean, Im awkward too.” I spastically blurted.

He looked down at his feet and smiled.

“Well that’s awkward,” Drew said, “lets go to the car.”

“I like that idea!” Keaton and I both said at the same time.

“DUDE! That was hella creepy!” Wesley laughed.

I looked over at Keaton and smiled. He was blushing like crazy, gosh, why was he so cute?!



Hello! So this is just the beginning, sorry if it is moving a bit slow and please let me know what you think in the comments, it would be greatly appreciated! 

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