Chapter Two

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A/N: This is pretty long because it holds some back story about some characters so you can judge for yourself. Misunderstood good guys or lunatics? Also I know that I've changed the 5sos ages, but it just fits with the story a bit more! hope you don't mind :)
- M Xx


Luke laid in bed staring at the white peeling ceiling. After finding Calum outside with those two bodies and noticing they were Pythons, he couldn't sleep. All he kept thinking was how lonely he felt. It had been a long time since Luke had been in a serious relationship and since Thea had come back into his life, everything had brought up old memories. Usually after murders he was the one to dispose the dead bodies; it was honestly his speciality cleaning up after the others till the point where the cops felt like they were looking for a ghost. Although this time was different. This time he left the bodies in the rubbish dumpster round the corner. He wanted people to know about these two men being dead. He wanted this on the news.

Luke Hemmings was 21 years old and was basically born an orphan. All he ever had was his twin sister Olivia Hemmings. He never had any real memories of their parents because him and Olivia were only 2 when they were put up for adoption, after there parents were brutally murdered by a member of their own family. Neither of them had ever got the full story of what happened that night and honestly they just didn't want to know, they never spoke about it. Life was crappy enough for both of them without having to hear about your parents being chopped to pieces and splattered around your crib like children's toys.

No one ever seemed to want to adopt Luke because even though he was typically an adorable looking blonde hair, blue eyed boy, his odd personality was always keeping him back. He was extremely quiet, wouldn't talk to anyone apart from Olivia and he had this obsession with boxing, he would just use anything he could find to punch. It got so bad that he would just zone out and start hitting his foster parents' walls and let me tell you they did not like that at all. He lost count of the amount of beatings he endured because of it.

Whereas everyone loved Olivia, she was the sweetest, cutest, friendliest little girl. When possible foster parents would come look around they always took a shining to Olivia, they got sucked in to her huge blue-greyish eyes and her cute rosy cheeks. Although the problem was always the same. Everyone wanted Olivia but never Luke, and Olivia refused to leave Luke, because they weren't just twins, they were best friends, they were inseparable. But they got through it. They always got through it.

It wasn't until they turned 12 when a man by the name Thomas Hood took them in, and that's where they met Calum. Calum Hood was a weird child and Luke thought he would never think that seen as he grew up living with a bunch of crazy orphans. But Calum was different. He was a happy child...a little too happy all the time, especially in their situation. You see Thomas Hood was a sadistic bastard but he was such a manipulative charmer that no one would ever notice. And thinking back on it now maybe that's where Calum got it from. It was frightening how his eyes would glaze over like his father's when he was pissed off.

Calum had an older sister by the name Mali-Koa and she was seventeen when Luke and Olivia came to stay with them. While Calum and Luke were always Thomas' punching bag. Mali and Olivia got it much worse. Thomas would physically and mentally abuse Mali, saying scaring, disgusting things to her. When Olivia came, Thomas decided that she was going to be his new toy, he never hit her or mentally hurt her. But he would force her to have sex with him. And to this day no one apart from Olivia knows about this because she refuses to tell anyone.

It wasn't till one night when Thomas attacked Calum for spilling his beer did Mali try to stop him and ended up nearly getting her head smashed in by Thomas' whipping cane. He got so many beatings before but boy did Thomas know how to punish a kid.

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