Chapter Three

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Aviana was so happy to have the day off. It wasn't like she was completely busy at work but with the rush of her becoming a professional tattoo artist she usually has to put in extra hours. So it's been awhile since she was able to sleep in and lounge around in her underwear, but that's not what she was thinking about doing today. Hopping out of her bed she walked straight to the bathroom and began getting ready. Because of her insomnia, Ava spent the night and morning straightening her hair, so pretty much all she had to do was get dressed and throw on some makeup.

After she washed up and brushed her teeth she walked out the bathroom to her desk where she had some clothes  laid out. She wasn't sure what to wear to go see Calum so she just decided on some black ripped jeans and a forest green ribbed crop top. That kept it simple and sexy, just how she liked it.

Once she exited her bedroom, she grabbed the plate that Thea had left her on the kitchen counter her heart began to race. Was she coming off too eager? Sure it was Calum who mentioned taking her on a date first but he could have just said that to break the ice. Don't be a pussy Aviana! Go for it! You always go for it! She mentally said encouraging words in her head as she made her way across the hall and knocked on the guys' apartment, praying they weren't busy or even worse...had girls over.

She heard a lot of movement on the other side of the door making her believe that they probably did have some girls over and felt embarrassed. Calum did get in pretty late after that stuff with those douchebags in front of the apartments, maybe he went to the bar afterwards and picked up someone. "Don't be an idiot, Ava." She whispered to herself, closing her eyes to calm her nerves. What was taking them so long? Maybe this was a mistake. Yes, this was definitely a mistake. Ava quickly turned and made her way back to her apartment when she heard the door click open.

"Michael, you lazy shit I told you to get the door! Aviana?" She stopped when that deep voice said her name, causing her to turn and see a shirtless Calum with messy hair and sleepy eyes. "What brings you to me this fine morning?" He asked with a grin.

"I...just...I'm not interrupting anything am I?" She noticed he only had the door cracked open a little. "I could come back when you're not..."

"No, no, no. I'm not busy I'm," he stopped and looked over his shoulder and whispered something she couldn't hear before exiting his apartment and shutting the door behind him. "It's just a mess in there. Michael's over and he's not exactly house trained. I'm just getting up actually." He rubbed his eyes and let out a loud yawn.

"Yeah you were out really late last night...or should I say this morning." She bit her lip and looked down at the plate in her hands before looking back at him. He was staring at her intensely, his hazel eyes making her feel like he was staring into her soul while his pouty lips stayed in a straight line and his brows furrowed. "Was everything okay? Those guys didn't try and to hurt you did they?"

His face lightened up and he grinned.
"No, Ava, I'm perfectly fine and healthy." He gestured to his body causing her to look and blush a little. She never noticed that he had tattoos on his arms and chest. "Is that for me?" Calum asked shaking her out of her thoughts as he pointed to the plate in her hands.

"Yeah. I...well Thea made brownies this morning. Thought it would be nice to bring you some for all you've done." She extended the plate to him and watched as he grabbed it and examined the brownies with a quirked brow. "I promise they don't have drugs in them! They're chocolate chip. Thea is an excellent baker you should enjoy them."

"Haha, thank you." He replied, his voice still raspy from being tired. "Do you mind if I eat them over at your place? Michael is going to try and take them and I'm sure Thea wouldn't  be too happy about Luke eating some of her brownies." His question caught her off guard and he watched in silent amusement as her eyes got bigger and she blushed a little.

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