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*Abby's POV*

"Do you.... Do you wanna come in?," I said gesturing my head towards my house. Fuck. Why did I say that. I'm just caught up in the moment. We were just having too much fun jamming out to songs. "You sure it's okay with your parents?" "Well, my mom's not home.. So" "And your dad?" "Let's just save that story for another time," I said.

"Okay, um sorry if I uh, made you feel a little uncomfortable." "It's fine. Really you don't have to worry.... So you coming or not?" "Sure." He got out the car and rushed over to my side of the car to open it. "Thanks, but please don't do that. I mean, it's not anything bad, but I just hate feeling girly and lazy." He looked kind of shocked.

"Any girl would've thought that was the sweetest thing and appreciate it," he said smiling and exposing his straight white teeth. "I do think it's sweet and I do appreciate it, but I jut hate the feeling of being girly and lazy."

"Nice house." "Thanks," I replied. "Do you want something to eat?" "Yeah, sure I could use a bite." I checked in fridge and there was hardly anything since my mom and I were only moved in for about 2 1/2 weeks.

"Ugh, we don't have anything. Do you wanna order pizza?," I asked in delight. "Sure." I dialed the phone and ordered the pizza as I watched Cam looking around the house.

"So uh, what does your mom do for a living?" "She designs clothes. She's not famous obviously, but big companies do talk to her sometimes. She got promoted. And that's why we moved here."

"So how do you like it here? I mean would you go back?" "It's nice here. And if I had the chance then yeah. I'd go back, I mean where I came from is where I grew up."

"So what do you wanna do while we wait for the pizza?" "We could.... Watch something," I suggested. He nodded in agreement. "What do you want to watch?," I asked scrolling through Netflix.

"We could watch a scary movie," he suggested. "Why don't we watch... You know what, let's not watch a movie. Let's watch music videos." He nodded and I went to YouTube and connected my laptop to the tv.

There was a knock on the door and I got up. "There's the pizza." I nodded in relief. I had skipped lunch that day and was extremely hungry. I quickly got my wallet and headed towards the door.

"Pizza for Abby," said the delivery guy. "That's me," I replied smiling. "Alright and your total is $20, please." I gave him $25. The extra 5 was obviously tip. "Thanks," I said grabbing the pizza boxes. "Wow, you ordered 2 boxes?" "Yup," I said smiling.

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