Chapter 2

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Upon entering the Livingroom, my mom gives me a curious look. She notices that I'm going out again.

"Where are you off to this time?" she asks, sounding a little huffy.

Oh god, I think to myself, don't tell her it's the liquor store.

"Oh. I'm just needing to get out of the house. I'm also feeling for a burger and some alone time." I respond.

"You've been going out a lot like this lately. Are you sure you're being good?"

She still treats me as if I'm 16!! Gosh.

"Mom. I'm not a child any more. I am a good kid." I emphasize.

She then nods and tells me to be careful. I walk out upon her ques.

As I crack open the screen door, a swarm of cat's leaps onto the porch, making drum beats with their pouncing feet. They beg me for food when they are clearly in no need for some. Every cat that surrounds me has the look of a well-rounded potbellied pig. They meow in bellowing rolls. There are at least 12 of them all staring back at me. I look out into my front yard and identify all the obstacles I have to make my way through to be able to reach my car. My silver Nissan Sentra sat out in the middle of the driveway. Between me and it are piles of junk, like something you would see a hoarder have. A discarded car motor sits off to the side of the porch. Numerous lawn mowers are parked between me and the walkway. I hightail it down the cement steps and weave my way through the ankle high wall of cats. I get in my car, hook my phone up to the radio and start my playlist. Just as soon as the first song starts, I'm already on the road. Houses and swayed trees fly by in my peripheral vision.

I end up on an over look of Lake Pontchartrain. Since the air has a nip to it, no one else is around. No boats resided on the lake, no vehicles hummed. It is just me and nature. I stare up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle. I sit on the bench for about an hour thinking inwardly and processing my own thoughts. The peacefulness made me feel giddy. Once I get bored, I hop up and get in my car. I stop in at the local bar and grill and order myself some cheese sticks and a beer before I make my way to the liquor store and back home.

When I pull up to my usual liquor store, I see the owner's car and a motorcycle parked along the side of the small log cabin built building. When I walk in, I am greeted by the familiar scent of cedar flooring, sweet cigar smoke, and bourbon, along with the cooing of Alistair the cockatoo. The bird resided in a cage to the left of the door. He was known to grab fingers as you walked in if you were not careful. I make my way past Alistair's cage and start browsing the vodka on the left wall. I choose some Toldsky vodka. I then proceed to the bourbon shelves. I pick up a random brand of Kentucky bourbon. I made my way to the counter. Johnny, the owner was nowhere in sight. I sat my liquor on the counter and proceeded to lean on the counter and wait. I hear a shuffle of feet and turn around to see a tall stranger clad in black. He held a bottle of Grey Goose vodka and a few small pints of Jack Daniels.

"Why is a young girl like you buying the hard shit?" He asks in a deep voice.

I turn around and scowl, "We all have pain that needs to be drank away with."

He scoffs. "I'm pretty sure you have nothing too terrible that you have to live with."

God. This guy sure was self-centered. He doesn't even have a clue!!

"Um... I'm pretty sure you need to not assume. You sure as hell don't know what kind of shit I have to put up with on a daily basis. Keep your comments to yourself." I say with a fiery tone as I gaze into his icy blue stare.

He just looked at me dumbfounded. Besides being the asshole he seemed to be, he was eye candy. He was tall and dark. He had those piercing blue eyes and high cheekbones. His faced was covered in a light stubble and he had succulent lips. His leather jacket only added to the appeal. Man, this is probably what set me off. He looked too good to be decent. He looked like the bad boy type that corrupted girls. He was probably a merciless drunk that murdered people. God. Where was the owner?!?

Just as soon as I felt like panicking, Johnny came out of the back room. He rung me up and then I was out of there. I sat in my car for a few seconds, trying to reassure myself that the sexy guy wasn't a murderer. I watch him get on the motorcycle, slip on a helmet and then drive off.

The whole ride home I kept seeing a motorcycle headlight behind me. I know I was imagining things, but I still felt paranoid nonetheless. I pull into my driveway and stick the hooch in my satchel where my mom's judging eyes wouldn't see. I walk in and converse lightly with my mom, then head to bed, forgetting the liquor in my bag.

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