Week 14: Who Is Alissa Flash?

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Interview with Alissa

"Alissa thank you for taking the time to do this interview."

"First off, I'm only doing this interview to make sure there are no more questions. Second, my name is Alissa Flash."

"Okay, Alissa it was revealed that you would be joining Team Hell No and John Cena in the eight person tag match, can you explain your actions last week."

"It's pretty simple John need someone strong enough to take on Stephanie and therefore I attacked her."

"Can you explain your relationship with Stephanie?"

"Another simple answer, we can't stand each other."

"Can you tell us how this whole rivalry came about?"

"It all started like many others do, we were friends once and that leading into a tag team formation. We were both the top performers in the independent circuit. WWE was interested in both of us...until Stephanie stole the spot from me and I never got my chance. WWE took her and she left me high and dry. Ever since then she's been acting like she's better than me but she's not. I've known for a long time that she was never the innocent little girl people saw her as and I just had to wait until she turned on her fans to make my move and step in to take her out. This isn't the first time we've been in a match together and it certainly won't be the last. Every time we're in the ring together we leave a wreckage behind us and it's something that no one wants to be a part of or get involved in. This Sunday at Payback there will be hell to pay for her."

The Shield respond




"Skye," Stephanie begins to slowly clap, "Good Job, John. You've manages to come up with a brilliant plan to outsmart you're opponent once again." She scoffs, "Alissa, Alissa, do you really want to do this again? How many times have I already beaten you before?"

"Too much to count," Seth says.

"You said that I stole the spot from you. Alissa, here's a news 'Flash' for you... they picked me because I was better than you-I mean you had to attack me when I had my guard down. Seriously, desperate much? Jealousy is an ugly thing you should stop wearing it maybe it can do some wonders for your complexion. This Sunday won't be any different than the matches we've had in the passed and you're right about one thing this match won't be the last."

Tamina vs. Alissa Flash

Tamina attempts a Savate Kick to Alissa but she misses her. Alissa bounces off the ropes and hits Tamina with a running elbow knocking Tamina down on the mat. Alissa grabs Tamina by the hair and sets her up for the Kudo Driver. She successfully hits the move and pins her for the win.

"And here is your winner...Alissa Flash."

Suddenly Stephanie enters the ring through the crowd. Stephanie and Alissa go up face-to-face. Stephanie slaps Alissa across the face infuriating her. Thus causing her to tackle Stephanie to the ground and delivering a series of punches. Stephanie manages to roll on top of her and continue the punches herself. Referees begin to come into the ring in attempt the separate the two.

Eventually they separate Alissa and Stephanie but not long enough until Alissa gets free and jumps onto Stephanie. They pull Alissa off but this time Stephanie attacks Alissa with a Lou Thez Pres.

Just then the fighting continues and the referees struggling to get them away from each other the Shield is brought in to take Stephanie out of the ring as well as John Cena and Team Hell No to restrain Alissa in the ring.

"We'll finish this on Sunday Alissa!" Stephanie shouts as Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins carry Stephanie away from the ring.

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