Week 26: Triple Threat Showdown

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The Usos vs Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins (WWE Tag Team Championship)

After a superplex to Jimmy Uso, Seth Rollins goes for the cover but only gets a two count. He tries to take in Roman Reigns but he is still on the ground from fatigue. Rollins tries to suicide dive Jay Uso but gets a right hand to the face then a super kick by Jimmy. Jimmy gets up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a body splash for the pin. Just as he thinks he has the win Reigns jumps in to stop the pin at two. Jay gets involved to stop Reigns but gets overpowered by him.

Once Jimmy gets Rollins into the corner, Reigns tags himself in as Rollins bounces Jimmy into the corner and into a spear by Reigns. He covers him for the win and successfully retaining their tag team gold. They are then joined by Dean Ambrose in their successful title win.

Stephanie Skye vs. Alissa Flash vs. AJ Lee

“This next match is triple threat match set for one fall.”

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta…S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Introducing first, being accompanied to by the Shield…Stephanie Skye.”

Stephanie comes walking down the steps until she turns to kiss Dean and let the boys head back up the stairs, knowing this was something she had to do by herself. Once she gets into the ring Stephanie takes a seat on the bottom turnbuckle awaiting her opponents.

I get crazy sometimes start losing my mind, I take it out on you. When it's my time and nothing is right I take it out on you...

“And the challengers, first, from San Francisco, California…Alissa Flash.”

Alissa struts her way to the ring and she keeps her eyes on Stephanie. The only thing keeping her from attacking her now was the fact that she sent her boys to protect her from the three on one attack last week.

Let’s Light it up, light it up, light it up…

“And from Union City, New Jersey, she is the Diva’s Champion…A.J. Lee.”

AJ comes skipping down the ring with a smile on her face. She skips around the ring before actually getting into the ring.

The bell rings and Stephanie makes the first move by walking towards AJ but is cut off by Alissa who begins to question her about sending the Shield to protect her, but Stephanie doesn’t answer her. Meanwhile AJ jumps in and pushes both of them the get their attention. Stephanie and Alissa look at each other then back at AJ and decide to work together to eliminate AJ. Alissa delivers an uppercut to AJ then turns to run into a forearm from Stephanie. Alissa knees AJ in the gut then Stephanie bounces off the ropes and comes back with a dropkick to AJ’s head. Alissa hits AJ with a forearm into the corner then Stephanie quickly rolls Alissa up into a cover but kicks out. Once Alissa realizes that Stephanie was trying to do they begin to argue. AJ tries to attack them while they’re distracted but they both deliver and elbow to her face. Both Alissa and Stephanie stare at their work then go for the pin attempt at the same time but only get a two count. The fighting begins between the two…

Alissa manages to toss Stephanie out on the apron, but Stephanie retaliates with a kick to her head. Stephanie attempt to springboard but gets caught by AJ who swipes her feet from under her and falls on her back onto the apron, feeling the back pain from when AJ threw her into the steel step last Monday night. AJ jumps into the ring to get Alissa with a school girl pin but only gets a two count.

Alissa tosses AJ into the corner and prepares her for a forearm smash. She runs to the corner but gets caught with a springboard clothesline from Stephanie. When she lands Stephanie continues to hold on to her back in pain. After a few moments Stephanie regains the strength to get back up see that AJ is still hanging onto the corner turnbuckle. Stephanie runs to hit her with a stinger splash, which she misses because AJ ducks under it to avoid it, but Stephanie quickly jumps off the middle rope and back flips onto AJ into a reverse DDT.

After a long struggle Alissa and Stephanie are fighting each other in fatigue and AJ is outside of the ring. Alissa puts Stephanie in a clover leaf submission and after crawling for the ropes Stephanie finally reaches the bottom rope forcing Alissa to release the submission hold. Out of frustration Alissa grabs both Stephanie’s arms and hits her with a curb stomp. Alissa irish whips Stephanie into the corner to hit her with a forearm but Stephanie manages to counter with her Sunset Flip and the cover but Alissa kicks out of it by a millisecond. Stephanie continues to ask the referee if it was a three count but is disappointed to find that it was only a two count. Stephanie lifts Alissa, who is groggy, by her hair but Alissa plays possum and kicks Stephanie in the gut then goes for the Kudo Driver. Stephanie counters it, runs to the ropes, bounces off them, then misses a clothesline, giving Alissa the chance to get her in the Kudo Driver and actually connects with the move.

Alissa goes for the cover and full confidence of winning but AJ enters the ring and pulls Alissa off Stephanie then hits her with a spinning heel kick then tosses Alissa out of the ring. AJ grabs Stephanie and covers her for the win.

“The winner of this match…AJ Lee.”

AJ gets her belt back then walks up the ramp with a smile on her face.

“That’s why I’m champion!” She shouts at the two girls who have realized what happened. “I’m better than both of you!”

Stephanie sits up and looks at the replay that she was the one who was pinned then she looks over at Alissa thinking to herself.

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