Week 52: Part 2

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In the ring.

The Shield are in the center of the ring looking angry but missing one person...Stephanie Skye. Seth Rollins is the first on the mic.

"Last night was not a good night for the Shield because we not only didn't win the Royal Rumble, even though Roman was close, but we had to witness a fellow Shield member be beaten to within an inch of her life. Steph isn't here tonight and we don't know when she will be back, but we do know that this war is far from over."

Roman takes the mic, "The Wyatts think that they've won because they think that they've taken out a member of the Shield but all they've done is slowed us down. They haven't stopped any of us, nothing can. The only thing you do is get the hounds even more angry which will make our bites worse than our bark."

Dean Ambrose holds the mic in both of his palms as he takes a deep breath into the mic. "We've been beaten up pretty bad over the 18 months we've been in the WWE but there has never been a beating we couldn't take and shake off. Last night when I was in the ambulance with Stephanie, she reached for my hand and she whispered to me the three words that made me smile when she said them," Dean grins, "She said, 'It's not over.' meaning that she isn't ready to throw in the towel. Yeah, that's my girl. We are going to make the Wyatts pay for ever starting this war with the hounds of justice." Dean smacks the mic down to the ground.

The lights go out and the Wyatt Family along with Kharma appear on the titantron.

"I'm awfully sorry about what happened to Stephanie boys, Kharma can get a little out of control sometimes and not finish the job. I understand that you all wish to continue this war," he chuckles, "Well then, I look forward to continue this battle and as for you, Ambrose, I'll see you later tonight and soon enough you'll join your girlfriend."

Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose

Ambrose and Wyatt stare each other down as they circle the ring. Bray begins to say something about Stephanie and then shoves his face which causes Dean to get even more angry. Dean's lunatic fringe begins to show when he starts throwing punches and knees at Bray. He manages to shove Dean back across the ring but Dean comes back with full force which leads into a clothesline shot by Bray to take him down.

Bray steps on Ambrose's hand followed by a headbutt then taking his head he slides it along the rope to burn Dean's forehead. Bray takes a swing at Dean but he blocks it manages to come back with a series of punches then a headbutt. Dean Irish whips him into the ropes but Bray turns it around to bounce him against the ropes which gives Ambrose a chance to counter and hit him with a cross body to take Bray down to the ground along with some punches to the head.

Dean manages to get Bray into the corner to deliver some hard kicks to his gut until the referee counted to four. Once he comes back towards him Bray gets him with a uppercut punch and attempts to bounce him against the ropes but Dean counters with a take down and a pin attempt for a two count. Dean takes Bray over the ropes and rakes his head across the top ropes and then slaps his faces as he bounces off the opposite ropes to hit him with a dropkick. Bray gets out of the ring giving Dean the chance to springboard over but Bray manages to catch him and slams his back onto the apron. Dean rolls around the floor with his hand on his left shoulder in pain.

Bray manages to get Dean back onto the apron when he taunts him and then slams his injured shoulder onto the apron again. Bray tosses Ambrose back into the ring where he punches him in the face. He grabs a hold of Dean injured shoulder but Ambrose manages to counter and deliver a DDT on Bray. Dean starts slamming his shoulder into the mat and once he gets to his feet he begins to do the same into the turnbuckle.

Once Bray gets to his feet Dean starts throwing punches at him with his right fist while keeping the left arm close to his side. Bray manages to headbutt his should to take him down to his knees in pain. Bray takes Ambrose and tosses him into the corner post, injured shoulder-first.

Bray crouches beside Dean, "I bet Stephanie is proud of you."

Bray gets on the apron and charges towards the corner to kick Dean in the head. Bray rolls Ambrose up for the pin but only gets a two count. Bray bounces himself off the ropes to land on Dean but he manages to roll out of the way and it gives him some time to recover. Dean gets on the top turnbuckle but is stopped by an uppercut punch from Bray. He climbs to deliver a superplex off the top rope until Dean starts to struggle and fights back with some headbutts to knock Bray off the corner. Dean jumps but is caught by Bray then counter with an elbow to the side of the head of Bray Wyatt. Bray shoves Dean back to bounce off between the ropes and deliver a clothesline along with a pin attempt but only a two.

Dean gets back on the top rope to deliver a dropkick. Dean picks Bray up to his feet to hit him with Dirty Deeds but the lights go out.

Suddenly in the ring are Harper and Rowan on the attack against Dean Ambrose. Soon enough Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns jump the barricade and get in the ring for the save. Chaos is happening in the ring. Roman hits Harper with a superman punch, knocking him out of the ring. Seth dropkicks Rowan over the top rope to get him out of the ring leaving behind Bray Wyatt. Dean grabs him and attempts to set him up for a triple powerbomb but Kharma manages to pull him out of the ring by his legs

"Just wait," Dean says shouting through the ropes, "we'll get you, Wyatt!"

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