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I have decided to write this chapter because thanks to everyone who reads the Shield's Recruitment, the story has reached over 100,000 reads, and over 1,000 votes. So this is my thank you to everyone who has read the story from the beginning or have recently just gotten into it. This chapter has nothing to do with the Shield and it's short but I thought of it after Battleground when Dean Ambrose was kicked out of the building and hiding in the trunk of Seth Rollins' car. Enjoy!


Triple H is storming through the garage parking lot where all the buses and rental cars are parked, followed by a team of security guards. Triple H knocks on the door of one of the tour buses.

Stephanie Skye opens the door, "Oh hey, boss. What do I owe this crowded visit." She says looking at the numerous guards behind the COO.

"Cut the crap, Skye. Where's Ambrose?"

Stephanie shrugs her shoulders, "How would I know? You kicked him out remember?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I know that he's your boyfriend and he's trying to sneak into the building to ruin the main event with Seth Rollins and John Cena."

"What?" She says sarcastically, "You think I would sneak Dean Ambrose back into the building after you specifically kicked him out and banned him from entering the building?" She crosses her arms. "I am appalled by your lack of trust in me."

"Right," Triple H pulls Stephanie out of her tour bus, "Search the entire bus." The group of security guard step in and crowd the tour bus.

"He's not in there."

"Listen Skye, Seth Rollins' match is up next and I don't want anything interfering with that including that lunatic boyfriend of yours. So if I find out that you're sneaking him in here-"

She interrupts him, "Your gonna do what? Have your wife put me in handicap matches like you've been doing to Nikki Bella?"

"Sir," One of the security guards comes out of the bus, "there's no one in here."

Stephanie smirks at Triple H, "The Exotic Express is a few buses down if you want to continue your search. Dean is a party animal after all."

Without saying another word Triple H and his group of security guards leave Stephanie's tour bus. She walks over to the side of the bus. Stephanie pulls a lever and opens the passage where the baggage is placed. Out comes Dean Ambrose, crawling from behind the luggage. Dean grabs a handful of her hair to pull her in a deep passionate kiss. Before leaving slaps her on the butt and head towards the ring for the main event match that is about to begin.

Stephanie closes the baggage door and whispers to herself, "The thing you do for love."

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