Week 52: Royal Rumble

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Kharma vs Stephanie Skye

Kharma is waiting for Stephanie in the ring but feels that she won't me showing up due to the fact that she left her dismembered last week. The doctors have advised her to not compete tonight. Due to the attack Stephanie suffered a fractured hand. Kharma begins to shout at the referee to announce her as the winner of the match until...

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D.

Stephanie Skye comes storming down the ring. Her left hand taped up from where Kharma slammed the crate lid on.

Suddenly the lights go out and when they go back on the Wyatt Family appear in the ring with Kharma. Quickly as the smile on her face appears it disappears when all three members of the Shield jump the Wyatts in the ring. The Shield manage to take the Wyatt Family out of the ring, leaving behind Kharma staring down at Stephanie as she hops over the barricade.

Stephanie jumps on the apron to get into the ring but Kharma knocks her off. Kharma gets out of the ring to meet Stephanie when she gets to her feet again. Stephanie charges at Kharma full force but Kharma strength overpowers her and tosses her across the floor. Stephanie rolls back onto her feet and heads straight for Kharma with a forearm shot pushing her back a few steps but she comes back to shove Stephanie back down.

Kharma grabs Stephanie by the hair to pull her towards the Spanish announce table where she slams her head against the corner. She lifts her up but Stephanie tries to fight back which leads to Kharma slapping her chest. Stephanie crawls over to the barricade where she's cornered. Stephanie kicks her in the gut to slow her down followed by a few forearm shots but Kharma manages to grab her by the neck and lift her over her head. Kharma drops her on the barricade stomach first, knocking the wind out of her.

Kharma shoves Stephanie into the ring post. She charges full force towards Stephanie but she manages to get out of the way at the last millisecond causing Kharma to hit the post instead. Taking advantage, Stephanie crawls into the ring to catch her breath before Kharma does. Kharma grabs a hold of her arm in pain from the impact of the hit as she gets on the apron but Stephanie sees it and begins to work on the injured arm by twisting it back on the ropes and then slamming it over her shoulder.

Once Kharma gets into the ring Stephanie continues to work on the arm by twisting it over her shoulder and slamming it down. She tries to go for it a second time but Kharma manages to wrap her arm around Stephanie's neck in a sleeper hold. With the hold in place, Kharma spins circle until Stephanie's feet come off the ground and is sent flying across the ring.

Kharma grabs her by the hair and tosses her across the ring like a rag doll into the bottom corner. Kharma stomps her foot against Stephanie's throat that's against the bottom rope. The referee counts to four before Kharma finally lifts her foot. She takes Stephanie over her shoulders and begins to bend her body backwards like a crossbow. Stephanie is on the verge to tapping out of the hold but as Kharma gets close to the ropes she manages to grab a hold of the top rope which the referee will force Kharma to break the hold.

Stephanie leans against the corner turnbuckle to catch her breath. She climbs the top rope until Kharma tries to knock her down but Stephanie manages to counter it by putting her injured arm in an arm bar over the rope. Stephanie releases the hold before the count of five and lands on the apron on the outside.

Through a struggle in the middle of the ring Kharma tries to end the match with a power bomb but Stephanie manages to jump behind Kharma roll her up for a pin. Kharma grabs Stephanie by the head and lifts her up from out underneath her. She attempt to hit her with a spinning back fist but Stephanie ducks underneath the hit to deliver a series of kicks followed by a clothesline after bouncing off the ropes but doesn't manage to knock her down. She bounces off the ropes to deliver a dropkick but Kharma is still on her feet.

Kharma is groggy but still standing. Stephanie gets to the very top turnbuckle and delivers a hard missile dropkick that finally takes Kharma off her feet but it also has taken a lot of herself as well from all the trying. Taking the advantage Stephanie gets back onto the top turnbuckle to deliver a senton. She goes for the cover but only gets a two count which shocks her and frustrates her.

"Aw come on," Stephanie cries out to the referee.

Stephanie grabs Kharma by the hair to get the upper hand on her but Kharma hits her with a spinning back fist, knocking Stephanie down. Kharma pulls Stephanie into the bottom corner and she begins to choke her with her foot. The referee tries to get in the middle of her but Kharma shoves the referee back. The ref comes back and manages to pull Kharma off of Stephanie. He threatens to disqualify her but Kharma pie-faces the referee back on the ground and continues her assault on Stephanie.

The referee calls for the bell.

Kharma backs off of Stephanie when she realizes the referee talking to Justin Roberts.

"Here is your winner by disqualification...Stephanie Skye."

Kharma becomes furious at the referee's decision she rolls out of the ring. She pushes Justin Roberts aside and takes his chair. Kharma gets back in the ring with a steel chair in hand. She drops it in the center of the ring. Kharma grabs an uncounsious Stephanie Skye by the hair and delivers an implant buster.

Just when you think it's over, Kharma picks Stephanie back up to her feet and delivers a power bomb but she hasn't let go of Stephanie, instead she picks her right back up and slams her back on the mat, she picks her up higher and delivers a third and final sitout power bomb on Stephanie Skye on top of he steel chair.

Kharma smiles at her work but quickly rolls out of the ring and picks up another steel chair. She gets to the apron where she stops. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins slide into the ring to stop the chaos. Dean checks on Stephanie while Roman and Seth stare down Kharma. She drops the chair and backs away from the ring. Once she's up the ramp Dean starts shouting for the doctor at ringside to check Stephanie.

The whole arena is quiet when the medical staff put Stephanie on a stretcher and take her out of the ring. Followed by the distraught Shield members.

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