Week 21: Kick Her While She's Down

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Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose

(United States Championship)

 Kofi has the advantage on Ambrose as he bounces off the ropes and hits him with a flying clothesline which gets him pumped up. Kofi attempts the boom drop on Ambrose but he rolls into the nearest corner. Kofi grabs Ambrose but gets pushed into the ropes and comes back with a reversal pin for a two count. Ambrose manages to counter into his own pin but only gets two then Kofi reverses into another pin for a two count. Ambrose hits Kofi with a boot to the gut then to the face. He bounces off the ropes attempting a closthline but is caught by Kofi with an SOS but kicks out.

Ambrose rolls out of the ring followed by Kofi. While on the apron Ambrose pulls Kofi down causing him to hit his back on the apron. Ambrose manages to get Kofi back into the ring then picks him up and set him up for headlock driver and hits it. He covers him for the win.

Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston vs. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins

 The Shield is taking charge of the match as Roman Reigns and Big E Langston are in the ring going at each other. Big E manages to get Reigns into the corner and gets him in the abdomen with repeated punches. Reigns fights out of the punches and throws Big E into the corner then gets him with multiple turnbuckle thrusts. Reigns bounces off the ropes and attempts to clothesline Big E but gets counter with a shoulder block knocking Reigns off his feet. Big E attempts to finish Reigns with a Big Ending but he breaks free from the hold and hits Big E with a knee.

As Big E backs away into his corner from the hit Dolph takes the advantage and tags himself in. At the same time Reigns tags in Seth Rollings. Dolph gets the first hit with a dropkick to Rollins knocking him off his feet. This gives Dolph the advantage to get Rollins with a jumping elbow drop. Dolph tosses Rollins into the corner and throws a series of punches. The referee pushes Dolph back but he pushes him aside and head for Rollins who counter with a kick to the abdomen. Rollins begins to kick Dolph in the ribs repeatedly then puts him in a headlock and drags him back into his corner to tag in Reigns. 

Dolph fights back and pushes Rollins but Reigns manages to clothesline Dolph. Reigns drags Dolph to the bottom ropes and pushes him down on it to choke it until the referee counted to four. Reigns irish whips Dolph into the ropes to spear him but Dolph reverse with a sleeper hold. Reigns begins to walk around the ring with Dolph applying more pressure. Big E manages to stretch himself and tag himself in. Dolph releases the hold when Big E hits Reigns with his shoulder. Big E picks up Reigns throws him over his shoulder. Rollin immediatly jumps in the ring to help Reigns but Big E catch him by the throat and tosses his body across the ring. When Big E turns around he is hit with a spear from Reigns then a pin for the win.

AJ Lee w/ Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston vs. Stephanie Skye w/ The Shield

 The match goes on as both women go at each other. AJ has Stephanie in a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. She begins to lose her stamina as she slowly falls to her side then Dean Ambrose comes into her view and begins pumping her up. Stephanie begins to regain her strength as she gets to her feet as AJ ride on her back still keeping the hold in. Quickly Stephanie runs back into the turnbuckle hitting AJ and as her grip has loosen she flips AJ off her back and takes a breath in the corner. Stephanie picks AJ up and begins to hit her with a series of forearms but AJ counter with a knee to her gut dropping her to her knees. AJ bounces off the ropes and takes Stephanie down by her hair for the pin attempt but only gets a two count. AJ attempts to grab Stephanie by the hair but she delivers a spinebuster. Stephanie runs to bounce off the ropes but Dolph manage to grab her by the legs and drop her on her face. The match ends in disqualification.

The Shield jump all over Big E and Dolph outside the ring. Stephanie looks out at the brawl in frustration. Suddenly Stephanie is attacked by the Bella Twins as they both throw full on punches to Stephanie. Quickly Stephanie is able to overpower them but is cut off by a spinning heel kick from AJ. In the midst of the fighting Kaitlyn comes out to even the odds. She clotheslines Brie and tackles Nikki to the ground, but is interrupted by AJ then a recovered Brie. The Bellas manage to hit Kaitlyn with the Bella Buster. AJ goes back to an unconscious Stephanie and applies the Black Widow as Stephanie continues to look motionless in the hold.

AJ immediately released the hold as soon as Dean comes into the ring. She makes her way out of the ring with Dolph and Big E. The Shield tend to their member as she begins to regain consciousness. Dean cradles her in his arms as she realizes what just happened and gets furious.

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