Week 15: Payback's A Bitch/One-on-One

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Payback: Team Hell No, Alissa Flash, and John Cena vs. The Shield

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is an eight person inter-gender tag match..."

The fire explodes on the stage then Kane and Daniel Bryan make their way down the ring.

"Introducing first, they are the WWE tag team champions...Kane and Daniel Bryan...Team Hell No."

Once in the ring Daniel Bryan covers his ears as Kane raises his arms up then down for a huge fiery explosion in the ring.

"I get crazy sometime start losing my mind I take it out on you. When it's my time and nothing is right I take it out on you..."

"And their tag team partner, from San Francisco, California...Alissa Flash."

Alissa comes down to the ring wearing a red crop top, matching shorts, a leather jacket, long boots and knee pads. She has a red bar of makeup painted across her eyes. She gets in the ring and stands along side Team Hell No.

"Your time is up, my time is now. You can't see me, my time is now. It's the franchise, boy I'm shining now. You can't see me, my time is now..."

"From West Newbury, Massachusetts. Weighing 248 pounds, he is the WWE Champion...John Cena."

John solutes the fans then runs towards the ring. He slides in the ring showing off his title and running back and forth from the ropes then tosses his T-shirt out the fans in the front row. He greets Team Hell No and Alissa as they all wait for their opponents.

"Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...S.H.I.E.L.D."

"And their opponent, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Stephanie Skye...The Shield."

All four members of the Shield are standing at the top of the stairs. Stephanie looking more like a member of the Shield with her black gear along with their trademark protective vest. The only thing that hasn't changed is the purple highlights in her hair. She and Dean Ambrose are walking together hand-in-hand on one side of the stairs as Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are on the opposite side. They all unite inside the ring.

Stephanie and Alissa are the first ones to go up to each other, but the referee quickly pushes the two a part. They both go to their own corners with their teammates as the bell rings.

Dean Ambrose and Kane start off the match. They both start off in a headlock until Kane overpowers Ambrose and takes him down. Ambrose manages to get up, still in a head lock by Kane, and manages to push Kane into the corner. Ambrose throws punches to Kane's head. Kane grabs Ambrose by the throat and tosses him into the corner then hits him with an uppercut punch. Kane drags Ambrose into his teams corner as he tags in Daniel Bryan. Kane punches Ambrose before leaving and Bryan comes in with multiple kicks to Ambrose in the mid-section. Bryan puts Ambrose in an arm lock but he quickly elbows Bryan in the face to free himself and tag in Seth Rollins.

Rollins jumps over the ropes and charges at Bryan who trips him and puts him in a headlock. Bryan drags Rollins into his corner and tags in John Cena. Cena throws Rollins into the corner and hits him with a one-handed Bulldog and a hook of the leg but only gets a two count. Cena quickly puts Rollins in a low headlock. He tags in Daniel Bryan who kicks Rollins in the ribs. Bryan bounces off the ropes and quickly into a clothesline from Rollins. Rollins then drags Bryan into his corner and tags in Dean Ambrose.

Stephanie and Alissa keep their eyes on each other as they wait for one of their teammates tag them him.

Bryan manages to put Ambrose into a surfboard stretch then reaches out to tag in Kane who bounces off the ropes and hits Ambrose in the face with a front dropkick. Kane get a two counter after a pin attempt then tags Daniel Bryan back in. Bryan attempts to hit Ambrose with a suplex but Ambrose pushes Bryan back into his corner and tags in Roman Reigns. Reigns grabs Bryan by the head and slams him to the ground. Reigns bounces off the ropes and hits Bryan with a shoulder thrust, knocking him down.

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