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[daniel has aged 4 years since the incident, and he is now 14 years old. his clock got pushed back by 4 months.]

time left: 3 years, 9 months, 31 weeks, 67 days, 450,000 hours, 125,647,362 seconds until match made

mila is four now and no, my love for her has not increased.

she's still as annoying as hell.

she gets everything she wants by throwing screaming tantrums, whilst i get nothing by asking politely.

mum only gives a sliver of her attention to me when i get in 'trouble' at school for not socializing and spending all my time in the courtyard.

she says that i should be outgoing.

she was outgoing when she was my age.

well mum, i physically CANNOT be outgoing.

you don't get stares when you walk down the corridors at school.

you're not a freak like me.

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