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Luke: Princess

Luke: I hope your first day of school is as great as your ass

Luke: Also I lowkey need more music to listen to

Ruby: ugh

Ruby: I'm in the last period of the day

Luke: Which is..?

Ruby: AP Psych 2


Luke: What

Ruby: I'm sorry its been such a long day

Luke: What's wrong babe?

Ruby: okay don't call me babe or princess in school, people will see me blushing

Luke: ;-)

Ruby: anyway idk guys have been weird to me today

Luke: Weird? Like mean?

Luke: Ruby I swear if any guy has been mean to you I will personally beat their ass

Ruby: no no, no one's been mean to me

Ruby: I just don't know how to explain it

Luke: Okay

Luke: Music please

Ruby: damn you are so needy. They Might Be Giants. google them

Ruby: or Two Door Cinema Club


Ruby: okay so Luke

Luke: Oh god am I'm in trouble

Ruby: you're out of school, you don't have a job, you're not even living in your home country. what the fuck are you doing

Luke: I thought you'd never ask

Luke: Me and my bandmates are trying to get noticed. We've got a few people interested but we want to write and record new songs before signing with anyone. It probably sounds dumb and expensive and it is but that's the route we're taking


Luke: You never asked

Ruby: oh my god FUCK YOU

Ruby: typically my conversations don't start with "yo, you in a band?"

Luke: Okay control the sass

Ruby: I want to meet your bandmates

Luke: No no no no they're all fuckboys

Ruby: you're a fuckboy

Luke: Am not :-(

Ruby: cmon you owe me

Luke: You already met Michael, you sent him that picture of the dog wearing sunglasses

Ruby: I want to talk to all of them on FaceTime

Ruby: this Thursday

Luke: Ughhhhhhhh fine it's a date

Ruby: I gtg my teacher is getting pissed because so many kids are on their phones

Luke: Bye Princess

Luke: PS you look beautiful today

Ruby: you don't even know what I look like rn

Luke: I don't have to

* * *

paige, wtf is this

protective luke, luke's current living situation, flirty luke, semi filler, the main cause of my current headache and absolute garbage :) that's what this is.

uh ps 900 votes?? are you serious i literally had 550 in the last chapter? holy SHIT

also, in regards to lukes crazy ex, do yall seriously want me to name her arzaylea?

also also, update schedule is Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays (according to us eastern time so idk what that would be for people in like australia sry lol)

this chapter was sorta long and sorta boring and this authors note was long and boring so GOODBYE ILY ALL AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE PLEASEEEEE AND COMMENT PLEASEEEEEEE AND BE MY FRIEND PLEASEEEEEE

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