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Looking through the smudged glass of Dunkin Donuts, I silently admired the bleak day outside. It was as if the universe knew today should be a dreary day for everyone, thus they made it one of the coldest days of the year. People scarcely passed by, even fewer dared to enter the building. Typically all Sunday mornings were quiet, but this one was especially pathetic. I almost wished someone would come in to save me from my thoughts, but then again, I hate dealing with the customers.

My manager groaned in frustration as she wiped down a few appliances in the kitchen, pausing momentarily to blow a stray hair out of her face. She was annoyed with every employee working at the moment, but me in particular. My phone had been ringing off the hook; so much so that she demanded I silence it or leave it in my car. After shooting her an exhausted look, I muted it and carried on with my tasks.

Addison rushed up behind me, sitting casually on the counter while I messed with the register and tried to look busy. "So," she sang, "how was your concert?"

I tried not to scream as guilt and regret washed over me, painfully reminding me of my rushed trip home. "It was good," I lied, hoping she'd drop the topic.

"Was the show good? Were they hot?"

Before I could even think of a way around that question, my manager stepped between us like a wall, wearing a deep frown and a stained apron. "I'm sorry, ladies, but this isn't social hour," she stated dryly. I raised my eyebrows and slowly returned to pressing random keys on the touch screen we used to take orders.

Eventually, I slipped my phone into the small apron tied around my waist as I patiently waited for a customer to arrive. I had nearly fifty unread text messages and three missed phone calls, all of which from the boys. Michael practically spammed the shit out of me while Luke sent only a couple of texts ranging from disappointed to angry to sincerely concerned.

Michael: He won't stop crying Ruby what do I do????

Michael: Why would you leave tho?

Michael: Wait he's done now he won't speak to anybody

I cringed, reluctantly opening the conversation with Luke and peeking at a couple of messages.

Luke: Was it my fault?

Luke: Are you alright?

Luke: Of course this happens to me. I'm not even surprised.

The door opened and everyone lifted their heads excitedly. I smiled when I saw the familiar figure approaching the counter.

"Adrianna!" I exclaimed, reaching over to hug her. My sister enthusiastically waved to my manager - who was now perched at a booth near the back, scowling at something she was reading on her phone. She snorted in response, never bothering to glance up.

Adrianna snapped her fingers at me. "Come on, hoe, I don't have all day! I want the usual."

I just laughed, grabbing a glazed donut and quickly making her a large, caramel iced coffee. "On the house," I said in a sarcastically delightful tone.

She rolled her eyes. "I was going to pay with your money anyway."

We chatted from opposite sides of the counter, discussing bland things like the weather or the car in the parking lot with a dick drawing etched into the frost coating the windshield. She claimed that she showed up because she was genuinely worried about my well being but I had a feeling our mother strongly encouraged her to come visit me. Sunday mornings were the worst, especially when you're struggling to live with the feeling of standing up one of the best guys you've never met.

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