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you guys comment so much I love it omg so vote and comment and stay cool

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Impressing guys was never my forte.

This became very apparent as I held my phone the following Thursday, staring at the small screen where Luke stared back, clearly growing increasingly impatient with my anxious questions.

"I'm gonna introduce each boy separately, okay?" Luke says, glancing down to check that I was still there. I offered him a small, sheepish smile and shifted in my bed. "I don't want you to get overwhelmed."

"I'm already overwhelmed."

He sighed, exasperation evident. "Ruby, do you want to do this another day?"

"No! No, no, I'm calm. I'm cool. Today is good."

"Why do you care anyway? Are you trying to date one of my bandmates?"

I grinned and rolled my eyes rather dramatically. "Hemmings, let's please get this over with."

He shouted to someone behind his phone, gesturing for them to come over. A forehead appeared at the bottom of the screen, moving up only enough to reveal their soft brown eyes to me.

"Who the fuck is this?" the boy asked, blinking at me in confusing. I gave them a slight wave, then subconsciously brought the hand up to comb my hair down. "I mean, she's hot, but why are you showing her to me?"

"Calum, meet Ruby. And stop being a fuckboy."

"Does she speak?"

I furrowed my brows in a failed attempt to look intimidating. "Fuck you."

Calum laughed, clearly unaffected by my measly glare. "Fiesty." He stood up, finally showing his entire face as he patted Luke on the back. "She's a keeper."

I cracked a smile and watched in amusement as Calum walked out of the frame, only to scream at someone else whom I couldn't see. Luke put his head in his hand, mumbling an apology that I could barely hear over the other boys.

"Michael is sleeping," he informed me, turning the camera to face the floor, "but we're gonna go wake him up."

After a few minutes of uncomfortably listening to the unusual noises coming from the other end of the call, I heard someone yell, "For fuck's sake Hemmings, do you have a death wish?!"

Luke aimed his phone at an exhausted-looking teenager, paler than paper itself, who just so happened to be flicking him off. "Michael's awake. Mikey, come say hi to Ruby."

"Is this the girl you talk about all the time? Her contact name is Princess, right?"

My jaw dropped and a frustrated look crossed my face. "Luke, you told me you changed it."

Michael snorted. "Busted."

"This was a bad idea."

"Ashton, go say hi to Luke's little crush. She's on the phone."

By now, a full smile had crept onto my face and I couldn't hide it. Hell, even my eyes were twinkling ever-so-slightly as I watched a curly haired boy take possession of Luke's phone. He examined my image carefully, pursing his lips to the side.

"Who's this?"

"My name is Ruby."

"Where are you from?"

I could faintly hear Luke's quiet, frustrated voice behind the camera respond, "She's from Georgia."

"Does she have a southern accent?"

Ashton laughed, handing the phone back to Luke but making sure he stayed in the frame. "Michael, you are so dumb. It was a pleasure meeting you, Ruby!"

With that, Luke took off walking to his bedroom, focusing his eyes on the floor. "I'm truly sorry," he mumbled. "That was insane."

"Luke, it was fun. Pretty brief, but fun."


"I had fun."

An awkward moment of silence settled between us, allowing the screaming of Luke's roommates to become more apparent. He stared at me curiously, eyebrows drawn down in confusion. "You're not mad?"

"Why would I be?"

"You're really pretty when you smile."

I rolled my eyes, grinning even harder than before and shifting to bury my face in the pillow beside me.

"Ruby, my phone is gonna die."

"Okay, bye Luke. Love ya."

"I love you too, Princess."

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this is a massive brain fart of a chapter

I'm so sorry I don't know why I'm struggling to write real chapters. I might double update today bc I hate this so much.

also 1.2k votes is this real life

vote, comment, message me if you wanna be friends, and I love you all.

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