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I slowly opened the front door, taking my black pumps into my hands before stepping inside. My mother lay sprawled across our worn out sofa, her pale legs tangled with my father's darker ones. A gentle snore came from her, barely audible over the rerun of Modern Family displayed on our television. I chuckled to myself before striding over and shaking them both awake. My dad rubbed his fists in his eyes and blinked at me several times to get adjusted to the dim lights illuminating our living room.

"Did you have fun? he asked as my mom lumbered into the kitchen to put her wine glass in the sink.

I smiled softly, shutting off the TV and offering him a hand. He took it and I hoisted him off the couch. "Yeah, it was fun."

"Did any guys dance with you?"

"One or two."

He nodded, clearly still exhausted from passing out on the sofa. "Well, we stayed here to make sure you got home safely. Now we're going to bed. Goodnight booger."

"Goodnight Dad."

He and my mother shuffled up the stairs, each equally as tired as the other. They mumbled a few words to each other, just quietly enough that I couldn't hear them. Nonetheless, I took a seat on the couch and pulled my phone out of my clutch.



Luke: You've been gone for hours

Ruby: homecoming!!!

Luke: Is that like a formal?

Ruby: yes

Luke: Are you still all dressed up?

Ruby: you bet

Luke: Oh god I'm calling you right now

I blushed, nervously combing down my frizzy hair and checking that my makeup was still partially in place. My breathing was still slightly sporadic from the excessive dancing and my body reeked of expensive perfume and sweat. Regardless of my unattractive state, I answered the phone, reminded myself that Luke didn't care.

"Hi!" he exclaimed immediately.

I grinned. "Hey."

"God, I'm sorry but you look so fucking beautiful."

Yet again, my cheeks flushed with red and Luke laughed deviously. His room was dark and I could barely see the outline of his head. "Were you sleeping?" I asked, propping my sore feet on a nearby pillow.

"Yeah, your text woke me up."

I lifted my hand to my mouth, desperately trying to hide the growing smile that poisoned my serious face. "Geez, Luke, go back to bed."

Intense rustling came from his end of the phone, followed by a click and then a stream of light. "I turned on the lamp. Let's just compare how beautiful you look to how ugly I am."

I sighed, standing up from my seat and walking into the bathroom. "You look fine," I assured him, reaching for a wipe to remove my makeup. "You're very attractive, idiot."

"Okay, but you're, like, perfection."

I peeled off my false lashes, snickering at Luke's mortified gasps. As I vigorously cleaned the rest of my face, I glanced down at my fallen phone (which had been foolishly propped against my sister's old toothbrush). "I'm not perfection."

"You're especially perfect right now," he continued, "I love when you're not wearing makeup. I love the subtle bags under your eyes because it just means you work hard. I love the way your skin look flawless without any foundation or whatever is on it. Somehow you just always look good."

In a failed attempt to be slick and secretive, I shook my hair into my face so it would veil my growing grin.

Luke chucked coyly. "And I love that you're too embarrassed to show me your gorgeous smile."

This time I merely reached for a toothbrush and began brushing my teeth, ignoring his shower of compliments.

"Did anyone ask you to homecoming?"

I shook my head, unable to properly respond.

"Really? No one? Did you dance with anyone?"

I shrugged, now playfully waltzing around my bathroom as Luke watched in amusement.

He waited for me to finish my current task before asking, "Did you dance on anyone?"

I snorted unattractively, opening the medicine cabinet and taking a swig of the miniature mouthwash on the bottom shelf. Once again, I shrugged, this time unable to hide the joyful glint in my eyes.

"Ruby!" He rubbed a hand down his face, stopping to rest his head in it. "I wish I was there."

I spewed the mouthwash into the sink, laughing a bit too loudly. "I danced on everyone. It was hilarious."

"I never thought you were that kind of girl."

"I can't dance but I can grind."

Luke sighed, rubbing his eyes in frustration. "You are so perfect, dammit."

I retrieved a hair tie from the corner of the counter, throwing it into a high ponytail and then grabbing my phone. "Luke, stop with the compliments."

"I can't."

"Where are the boys?"

"In bed. Say hi Ashton!"

There was a loud groan from behind the screen, followed by, "Luke, shut the fuck up." He merely laughed, turning his attention to me. As he beamed down at me, I noticed the absence of his lip ring.

I carefully climbed the stairs, praying I wasn't making too much noise, before slipping into my bedroom. The hot pink shade made me sick to my stomach but my bed welcomed me with open arms. I collapsed onto the mattress, emitting a satisfied groan. Luke said nothing as I placed the phone face down and changed into pajamas, picking the softest ones I had to alleviate the aches in my body. His smirk greeted me as I finally crawled under my covers.

"You're so amazing."

I rolled my eyes. "You may have mentioned that one or two times."

"I'm gonna keep saying it until you believe it."

A yawn escaped my bare lips, breaking the awkward tension between us. I lazily turned off the light beside me, allowing myself to close my tired eyes.

"Goodnight, Princess," Luke whispered.

"Goodnight, Luke."

He hung up, but not before I heard Ashton add, "You two are so fucking gross."

* * *


(written from my phone, a day late, really unusual, garbage, really short)

so yeah just to clarify, this book is not all of their conversations, next chapter I think it's gonna jump to Halloween. sorry for the time traveling but it would take sixty years if I put in all of their text messages.

also, feel free to vote, comment, vote, share, vote, message me, vote, you know. have a great day/night cuties. I'll update tomorrow :)

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