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Even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life

Chapter 03 ~ Really Don't Care

Trey Carter

I woke up on the floor, again.

This time, it was under strangely similar circumstances. My hearing was impaired, most likely due to the incredibly loud dance music pounding through my ears. With a stubborn struggle, I peeled my eyes open, only to be greeted by a pair of feet placed in bright red converse sneakers. I tried to crane my neck to see the source of the sneakers, but that only resulted in a sharp pain ripping through my spine, so I gave up.

"Would you get up already?" I heard a voice say. It was definitely male, but I didn't recognize it.

I let out a frustrated groan.

The man sighed. "Oh, for the love of God!"

The next thing I felt was the collar of my shirt tightening. It took me a few moments to realize it was because the person was pulling me up by my shirt. I wanted to scream in protest but my throat was too dry to produce any coherent sound. All I was able to muster were a few grunts and moans, but nothing that did me any good.

This was exactly why I didn't get drunk!

The man managed to lift me far enough off the floor to position me onto a bar stool. It was then I was able to see his face; he was older - much older - older than my dad, old. Yet, he was looking at me with curious eyes as though he was expecting me to say something.

"You passed out in the middle of the dance floor," he noted. "Had to get you outta there before your parents sue this place, even though their underage kid put this on himself."

"What? How did I—" I stopped mid-sentence when all of my memories came flooding back, hitting me like a fucking tsunami.

Owen had stopped by my house to return my dildo, then he insisted that we go out to a nightclub. I drank, but he barely drank anything, which was really weird. I pulled him to the dance floor and then I...

Oh, God.

My stomach tightened and I doubled over to prepare myself for what was about to come.

"Do not vomit on my counters!" the man basically screamed. I scowled at him, but still swallowed down the bile rising in my throat. He let out a disapproving huff, then he turned his attention to the counter as he wiped it down with a damp cloth.

I glanced over my shoulder to take a peek at the dance floor. My jaw dropped when I realized the club was relatively empty aside from a few workers who were doing their best to clean up the floors, but the music was still alive as ever.

"What time is it?" I questioned as a frown slowly crept onto my face.

"Four in the morning," the bartender said without meeting my gaze. "I would've left a long time ago, but I had to wait for you to wake up."

My brows knitted together. "Where's Owen?"

"Don't know who that is."

Frown deepening, I dug my hand into my pocket to retrieve my cell phone and wallet. Since that asshole decided to leave me alone in a club where I knew no one, it was clear that I'd have to find my own way back home. My first thought was to call a cab, so I immediately checked my wallet to see how much money I had. To my surprise, the emergency cash that I always kept on me - 80 dollars - was gone.

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