The cream horse stopped at the low wall by the edge of the track. "She's come for us!" cried Kate. The guards stared in awe at the horse. Kate dashed over to Lucille. She grabbed her hand and they ran to the horse with Mason and Daniel at their heels. The guards shouted and ran after them,but it was too late. Mason,Daniel,Lucille,and Kate had already climbed over the wall into the waiting chariot. "Go! Go! Hurry!" Kate cried to the huge horse. The horse reared and pawed the air. The crowd stepped away from the wall. The guards froze. Mason and Daniel looked at where Plato was standing. He smiled and waved at Mason and Daniel. Then the cream horse leaped foward, pulling the chariot behind herself. Daniel and Mason couldn't wave back at Plato. All they could do was hold on tight as the horse galloped beside the Olympic racers. They bounced up and down. Dust and sand got into their eyes. Daniel and Mason squeezed their eyes shut and crouched down in the chariot. They didn't know where they were going. But it didn't matter. The cream horse was in charge. Daniel and Mason heard the thundering of the racing horses and chariots. They heard the screaming crowd. They felt sand blowing in their faces and the bumping and rattling of the chariot. "To the time machine!" shouted Kate. The horse left the games behind and galloped past the temple of Zeus, past the statue of Nike, and past the sacred olive tree and the gymnasium. On they went: Past the poet's house, the Greek theater, and the field of white tents. Finally, the horse halted near the olive grove. The wheels of the chariot bumped on the grass. Then it slowly came to a stop. Lucille,Mason,Daniel,and Kate stepped out of the chariot. Daniel's legs were so wobbly he could barely walk. Kate rushed to the horse and stroked her neck. "Thank you," she whispered. Her friends patted the horse's long cream neck, too. "Thanks for the ride," said Lucille softly. The horse snorted and pawed the ground. "Come on, Kate. We have to go before they find us," said Lucille. "I don't want to leave her. She's the most beautiful horse in the entire world," said Kate. Her eyes filled with tears. "I love her too, but we have to,"said Lucille. The horse put her head down and touched Kate's forehead with her soft nose. Then she gave her a gentle nudge toward the time machine. Kate sniffled but started walking. Lucille took her hand as they walked through the olive grove to the time machine. Mason grabbed the Connecticut book. "I wish we-" "Look!" said Kate. Mason turned around. The cream horse was trotting away. Then, she disappeared behind the olive trees. "Bye!" called Kate. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Mason pointed again at the Connecticut book. "I wish we could go to that place," he said. The vortex began to swirl. It became windier and windier. It sucked Mason and his friends in. Then the wind died down and let him and his friends out.
BFF Time Travelers 4:The Ancient Greek Olympic Games
AventuraMason loves sports. He is in the track and field team at his school,and he plays soccer and baseball at his local sports academy. So when he asks his friends if he can go to to Ancient Greek Olympic games,they say yes.But there are no girls allowed...