Imminent doom

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Nat's pov
"Natalia Come out, where are you Natalia?" I hold my breathe and try desperately not to make any sound because if I do, I'm as good as dead
"You can't hide forever" I ignore them and stay still
"Tell you what Natalia, if you come out now, Freely, then you have my word that I will not kill you, of course the same doesn't go for hurting you, but at least you know I won't kill you, you need to understand that you broke the rules, if you are going to survive in the red room then you need to know not to break the rules and that if you do, it comes with a punishment, a harsh one, now COME OUT NOW!" He snaps, I debate whether he's telling the truth or not but realize their going to find me anyway, I know what I have to do, and to think this was all for stealing some bread
"Ok Ivan I'm coming" I say with a saddened voice
I step out from behind the drawers and look him in the eye, all he does is give me his devilish grin, God I hate that grin
"Good choice Natalia, take her to the holding cells" he instructs the guards, I don't bother to resist as I know it won't do me any good, I watch as he smiles at me with his devil like smile as I leave, and I then realize this is going to be hell itself

"Nat-nat you ok?" Steve asks
"Huh- what" I ask confused whilst my eyes adjust to the light
"Your shoulder it's opened up again, I just asked if you were ok, but I think I know the answer to that already" he says whilst staring at me
"Don't worry Rogers I'm fine, I've had worse"
"Yeah well I do worry, because I know your not fine nat, you can always talk to me, you know that right?"
"Yeah I know" I say with a smile
"Listen I'll pull over at the nearest drug store and pick up a medical kit and we'll sort out that shoulder"
"Steve really I'm fine" I say not wanting any fuss
"I'm not taking a no for an answer nat"
I look at him and smile
"Fine what ever mr America" I say with a laugh at the end
"Mr America, really nat that's all you could think of, that's just disappointing" we both laugh, God I forgot what it felt like to properly laugh, actually come to think of it Steve always puts a smile on my face, that's one of the things I love about him
"Hey nat?" Steve asks
"I forgot to tell you that I called Clint"
"You what?" I snap back
"Look he got the message he said he was about to come looking for you and I had to let someone know, incase something bad happened"
"What you mean like me getting shot" I interrupted
"Yeah, please just think of it like a contingency plan, if anything happens to us, Clint will find us and help us"
"Steve that's the reason I didn't want anyone knowing, because I know something's gonna happen and I didn't want anyone else dying because of me, too many people have, I've already got enough red in my ledger, look you wouldn't understand" I say whilst looking back out the window
"As much as it's hard to believe I do understand more than you know, take that women, Peggy, back there
she'd still be alive if it wasn't for me, so I know what your going through, but you need to understand we're choosing to help you which means if we get hurt its on us not you ok, so stop blaming yourself for things that aren't your fault" he says, I have to admit, I was surprised by Steve's reply, but in a way it made me feel better, being around him always makes me feel better
"Look stev-"
"Don't look Steve me Natasha, I will tell you everyday if I have too, it's not your fault, ok it's not your fault" I look at him and smile, he's wrong, naive even but he cares, for once someone cares, that doesn't happen a lot these days, I will do anything to keep that safe, to keep him safe
"Maybe you right" I lied
"Thank you, now the closest drug store is five miles away so just sit tight"
"Ok" I say with a fake smile

10 minutes later 

"Nat I'll be back soon just gonna get some food and medical stuff, I'll be 5 minutes" he says, I nod in reply
Once Steve leaves I check my phone 10 missed calls from Clint I'd better call him back
*phone ringing*
"Clint thank goodness I have to tal-"
"Sorry this isn't Clint can I take a message" I freeze, Clint never leaves anywhere without his phone he has it on him all the time
"Hello got a message?" I know that voice, yelena, no please no no no
"Yelena, If you so much as lay one finger on him I'll"
"You'll do what Natasha, kill me, that's a bit far fetch don't you think"
"You son of a bit-"
"Listen I can't promise you Clint is unharmed but I can promise you he is alive and-"
"Prove it" I snap back whilst  interrupting her
"Fine if you insist"
"Nat- don't come ok I'm not worth it save yoursel-"
"That's enough clinty-boy now anyway as I was saying, let's do a simple trade, you for him" I hear clints muffled voice in the background begging me not too, but that changes nothing, I'm not losing someone else I care about, not to her again
"Fine when and where" I snap
"Where it all started well of course and tomorrow at midnight, oh and if you tell anyone or bring anyone, I kill Clint right I front of you got it?"
"Got it" I reply with a tear roll down my face
"See you soon Natalia" she hung up with a loud chuckle, but I just sat with the phone still in my hand, frozen, paralyzed with fear, I can't go back not to that place, but I can't let Clint die because of me, I'm going, but how am I going to tell Steve?, he won't let me leave even if it was for Clint he'd say to think of a plan but none of them will work I know they won't I'll have to leave without him knowing, it's my only choice, I don't want to lie but I have to, for Clint. I sit in the car wiping my tears away so Steve doesn't see, I wait patiently till I see him coming, I check one last time In the mirror to see if there are any tear marks and once I was satisfied I put my seatbelt on and sit there smiling at him
"Hey nat, you ok?"
"Yeah fine just wanna hit the road that's all" I say with a smile
"Ok we will check in the nearest motel and get some rest, eat, shower and sort that shoulder out then we'll get back on the road by tomorrow" he says, I reply with a simple 'k' and we head off, next stop imminent doom

A/N sorry for the boring chapter but I had to put this one in so the others make sense a bit more, anyway as always vote, comment and give us a follow, thanks
-shield135 x

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