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Punch punch punch, I doge every attack coming my way
"James please-" I doge his attacks again as I try to reason with him, it's not working to well at the moment. I again counter all of his moves and try to reason with him but nothing seems to work James is gone, the winter soldiers here now and I can't doge these attacks anymore I move in an attacking stance, no more playing mr nice guy. I round house kick but he easily ducks out the way grabbin my ankle in the process I try to get free but he uses my momentum against me sending me flying into stacked up old computer equipment. I curse under my breathe and get up facing him, I watch his cold gaze not change, not even blink and to be honest it scares me, he scares me, just knowing what he's capable of would scare anyone. I watch as he grabs a knife out from his pocket and bring it up covering his chest
"Not exactly a fair fight" I mutter, he grabs another knife and chucks to me, I flinch expecting a torpedo being sent at me but instead it was gentle. I catch the knife easily and held it in the same stance as him, we nod in unison and attack. I doge the multiple slashes at me and counter with ones just as powerful, I manage to catch him in the leg, he stammers a but but then regains his balance, I take this as my chance and aim for his leg again I mange to punch his injured wound and he cry's out. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to actually faze him and he counters with a slash against my chest, I see it at the last second and jump back but not in enough time and I gain a small graze on stomach, that's gonna scar, I think to myself as I hold my chest, I look at the red colour on my hands and panic starts to set in. Come on Steve where are you? I think to myself

Stevens pov
I rush towards nat after hearing her call with daisy and may close behind me, the others stayed back to hold reinforcements off, I sprint as fast as I can gaining speed and slowly losing the others behind me, but I didn't care I just needed to get Nat out of there. Sprinting round the corner I get to the door nat and Bucky are in to see it swarmed with hydra agents trying to open the door. I stand there shocked just to see the same look on their faces. Jumping back round the corner I doge all the bullets that were originally aimed for me and take cover behind my shield, I mange to angle it right making bullets bounce back and hit agents, I smile at my new found discovery and keep doing that until they finally get the idea and stop shooting. Running at me with knives I easily doge moves and punch kick and beat any hydra agent I can. Finally after what seems like forever all I see is unconscious and dead hydra agents, with a smirk on my face I plant my shield on my back and head to the door, stopping however as I hear a click and feel a cold barrel on the back of my head
"Sorry captain" I hear a bang and expect darkness to swallow me into an abyss, but it doesn't, I open my eyes after wincing them shut and look behind to see daisy holding up a gun
"Thanks" I say with a nod
"Yeah you were doing terrible without me" she said with a smile, I chuckled at the comment at head to the door. I hear shouts and crashes and panic seems to take over me
"Nat! Nat!" I shout in the door but just as I hear more crashes. I start pounding this time not caring if anyone heard us
"Captain-" I continue pounding and shouting her name
"Rogers!" I turn around seeing daisy looking at me with a worried look in her eyes
"Let me" she moved past me and raises her hands in front of the door, I expect nothing to happen but then it does. The door flys off its hinges to show us a horrible sight. I see nat laying on the floor in a pool of blood and Bucky standing over her with a smirk on his face.
"Too late" he mummers dropping the knife to the floor filled with Nat's blood on it. Melinda  moved to attack but I stop her
"This is my fight" I instruct, she looks at me and nods with a sudden respect in her eyes. Walking into the room I look around at the mess and damage that has been caused, nat put up a fight that's for sure, I think as I look at his face all bloody and purple from punches. Usually this would worry me, even hurt me but seeing nat on the floor Limp with no life in her body I finally realize one thing I never understood before. He's dangerous. He's not the same man as he used to be, his past is what brings out that monster inside and anyone that can trigger it can become a national threat if they have those words, so if you can't destroy a head, you destroy it's body. I finally know what I have to do.
"Daisy, may take nat to the others and leave, she managed to set the self destruct code so get your asses out their quick" I order, they both look at me worried
"What about you?" Melinda asks
"I need to finish something" James scoffs as I say this and moves closer to me allowing the girls to take nat
"I beat the red legions prize puppy you, you are nothing more than a science experiment you you will be easy what makes you think you can beat me?" He asks with a thick Russian accent, odd.
"Well that's simple, experience"
We both run at each other both of us just as ready as the other. This is gonna be one hell of a fight

A/N dun dun dun, who do you think will win? Guess you'll just have to find out anywho please as always vote, comment, follow and any feedback you have would be very appreciated thanks for reading!
-shield135 x

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