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Nat's pov
3 weeks later
I sit there frustrated staring out the window as everyone else bickers and fights over plans on what we do next, on how we move forward.
"Look we need strategy fury we can't just barge in there, believe me I've done that and nearly died because of it, they're fully trained and dangerous we need to keep the advantage of surprise" Steve shouts slightly frustrated but then again everyone is. We finally got a lead on Ivan and his whereabouts at a abandoned industrial factory and we're all trying to finger out a plan of attack now that fury is actually letting me go considering we're with the whole team and let's just say it isn't going well so far, it's like a team civil war everyone's all wanting to take different approaches its like I'm back with tony. After minutes of debating and arguing I finally decided I'd had enough I stand up smacking my hand on the table to get everyone's attention and sooner or later everyone's eyes are on me staring at me with confusion
"Look this is all bullshit ok we are NOT and I repeat NOT storming through the front door I don't know if your being cocky or just plain stupid ok but that is possibly the worst idea yet ok"
Fury huffs
"Ok what is your plan them romanoff?" Everyone's eyes still continue to stare, without blinking without pausing everyone focuses on me.
"Give em what they want" I simply say
"What!" Steve immediately says without any hesitation or pause I can even see the worry and anger in his eyes, he wears his heart on his sleeve even though he doesn't like to admit it.
"Let's give them what they want" I say again but slower so he might understand me
"No not an option" both fury and Steve say in unison
"Not literally ok if we can get me inside I can scope the area, count how many guards there are, find out where the armory is, I'll be your inside man or women" they look at me in utter disbelief, I mean sure it's not the best plan but every other one is gonna get everyone killed and at least if this one fails it will only be me who's losing there lives no one else, I guess you could say it's my own little contingency plan
"Nope not gonna happen" I huff why is Steve so damn worried all the time such a buzzkill
"At least consider this" I say pleading but he just stays stiff, tense, worried
"She's right ya know" fury and coulson cut in, Steve gives them the evil stare then looks back to me
"You can't actually be serious right? am I the only one who cares for Nat's, I mean Romanoff's welfare?"
"Look I'm not happy about it either captain, but this is the best plan this way we'll know exactly when to hit them and where and it will give us a better idea on what we're up against and how to stop it" every one looks over to fury, including me, all staring in disbelief. Did I hear him right did he say he agreed with my plan? The same man who wouldn't let me go on a simple op is now letting me go straight into the gates of hell this really is serious
"Good so it's settled" I say, feeling the slight weight lift off my shoulders, the weight of my friends lives at risk because of me gone, vanished.
"Unbelievable!" Steve shouts, I glance his way as he storms out the room not bothering to look my way let alone talk I try to go after him but feel a cold grip on my arm. Coulson.
"Leave him, he's upset let him come to terms with everything give him time" he smiles a warm smile and I smile back. He's right, like always I just hope Steve will forgive me, in time maybe he'll realize I did what I had too, to keep my friends safe. Some day, someday he'll understand.

A/N wow it's been a while sorry I've been really busy but yeah hope you enjoyed please as always vote, comment and follow thanks lovelies for sticking with me see y'all next time for the next chapter! <3
-shield135 xx

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