Think, think!

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Nat's pov
8 hours later
I hear the news trough my comm, i smile a big smile and silently shout 'yes!' In my head. Racing out of my seat I run towards the hanger 'Thank god thank god' I think to myself as I sprint towards that way, his way. After a minute of waiting standing like a lamppost he finally steps through the door and I run into his arms in a tight embrace "Steve your ok" I say into his chest listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat. I pull away and look into his eyes, the eyes that can turn you good, the blue sparkly eyes that shimmer like the stars and can convince you to do anything, god I love those eyes, however my smile soon fades as I look at the rest of his face, bruises and cuts everywhere
"Your face-"
"Is fine can't say the same for yours" he replies worried and I turn red, blood boiling inside me. Should I tell him the truth? Can I? No, but what else am I supposed to say? Sh*t I'm taking to long. Think. Think!
"Oh yeah just had a sparring session  with Tripp that's all"
He looks at me sceptical
"Tell me the truth" he looks at me with his eyes that mesmerise me as they stare at me trying to convince me
"that is the truth, promise" sh*t shouldn't of said that, that is going to bite me in the backside in the future but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it
"Hmm ok" he gently strokes my lip with the soft pad of his thumb
"As for leaving-" he try's to say before I interrupt him
"It's ok, as long as your ok I'm ok just please try not to lie again not if it involves the red room or me for that matter" I smile into his chest listening to the beats and steady rhythm, the beats they make me happy because It tells me he's still here, with me together and I can't help but feel on top of the world when I'm with him because nothing, nothing can get in our way not even the red room.

A/N short little chapter I know but I wanted to include a romanogers bit to it and I didn't want to over complicate it way more than it had to be so I just kept it short and sweet I hope you like there's way more where this came from (cute romanogers chapters) but no smut of course but yeah hope you liked it and as always can you please vote, comment, follow and any feedback would be very appreciated thanks guys love ya all and thank you for sticking with me I promise it will get better but thank guys xx
Also, I'm with you all till the end of the line :) <3

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